the Examining

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As they were examing me and my mother I seen a zombie hippo come into the room. No one seen it but me so i must have been hilusinating again! They were done examining my mother and all they gave her was pills because she just seen something pop up. Next they are examining me. They looked at my back and they just stiffened up. They seen this black hole getting bigger and bigger by the minute. They told me that I only have 2 days to live before the hole eats me whole.I screamed " NO i want to stay alive please just make it go away"! They told me that they cant take it out of me because they dont want to take the risk of killing me. 

They told me that if i want to to take the risk of dieing just to try and get the hole out then they will. I told them " Yes i will risk my life just to get that thing off of me".  They took me to the surgery room and they told me that it might hurt putting me to sleep. " As long as you try and get this thing off of me i dont care"! They started operating on me. They had to cut into my back to see how deep the hole is now. It was too deep for them to operate on me so they stitched my back, back up.

When i woke up from my sleeping stuff they gave me I was in a really dark hospital room. The nurse came in and told me " I'm sorry dear but they couldn't operate on you because the hole was too deep." I stared at her and then at the ground. The nurse inturrupted me " Sweety would you like some food"? I replied " Yea since it is going to be my last meal i ever eat". I said sadly.  " I'll be right back with your food, what would you like?" The nurse said. I anwsered " Can i Have 1 of everything you have"? " Of course you can". 

A few minutes after the nurse came in with a bunch of food on piles of trays.  " Yay it is about time, i'm starving"! " Sorry i was taking so long, I had to get you your utensils for your food". The nurse Anwsered. The nurse left the food in my room and i started eating. After about 2 hours all i had left to eat was potatoes. I took the spoon and started eating. For some reason these potatoes were not the color they were suppose to be, infact they were green! I spit the potatoes out and i felt really sick. I felt a cold breeze on my back and that was because i had no more back! The hole if eating my alive! " HELP"! I yelled as loud as i could. The nurse came running in to find me just as the front of my body. She fainted.

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