My opinion

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I don't know why I like him so much.

All my friends say: (I'm gonna say it in dutch because I don't know how to say it in English) Hij is strontvervelend! 

And then I say: He is not annoying, he's just a stubborn guy. (not in a bad way)

My friends say that I'm on a pink cloud or that I have pink glasses on. 

I'm too afraid and too shy to ask him if he wants to date me.

I'm afraid because I know that he's gonna say no. And I'm just shy, OK?

I'm not too shy to talk to him or whatever, but yeah, I think he doesn't like me that way and that's what I'm shy about.

There is a friend of mine who dated him, and she says that she sees that he likes me more than he liked her. (I don't believe that, because if he liked me like that, he would have asked me out)

Xx Me

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