A New Beginning

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I'm working on another book as well, so updates might not be as fast as you would like. I apologize in advance for that. Also, if anyone needs help with covers I'm willing to do so. Just send me a message with either the picture you want to use, or just tell me what you want and I will find what I can.



Sitting on the couch in our living room I grab the remote and turn the TV up. I missed yesterday's Walking Dead episode since I was up all night doing last minute homework and am trying to catch up now. Thankfully, I was not assigned anything tonight, but my parents are in the kitchen having an animated conversation about some new virus they heard about. I listen in for a minute, unable to understand most of it. The only thing I catch that sounds the least bit interesting is something called SA1 viruses. After that it dulls down to asking how there day was.

Bored, I return my attention back to my show and press the up button for the volume twice before becoming enveloped in The Walking Dead world. After the episode is over I am left wanting more when the Governor walks up to the prison after finding another group to stay with. I should have known he was going to come back to cause more trouble.

Shaking my head I get up from the couch and go off towards my bedroom. Plopping down on my unmade bed I grab my laptop, flip open the lid, and check my Facebook. Looking in the to left corner I see that I have a friend request, one message, and five notifications.

When I look to see who sent me a friend request I notice the name is Z-Slayer Master. OK, people, this is Facebook, not a gaming site. Z-Slayer Master? Really? I have no clue who it is so I click decline and, no, I do not know this person. A satisfying message of, "This user will no longer be able to send another friend request" pops up.

Next I check my messages to find out that it is my best friend Hailey, next to my other best friend, Zeke, sent me a message about her sister's surprise birthday party Friday. Clicking on the reply box I type, "You know I wouldn't miss it! Is there a theme? I don't want to be an odd ball, though we already know it' too late for that! Lol :P" and hit send.

A few seconds later she replies, "Trust me, Tavia, I know! And no, there is no theme. Although she did mention something about a crazy 80s thing..."

Rolling my eyes I reply, "Now, is it just me or do you sense some misleading there?"

"Oh, I think it's just you. ;)" she sends not too long after me.

Just as I am about to click the reply box my mom yells, "Tavia, dinner's ready!"

"OK!" I holler back.

Clicking the reply box I say, "Sorry, Hailey. I have to go. My dinner's done."

"OK, then. Bye!"

Logging off Facebook, I shut the lid on my laptop, set it down on the table, jump off my bed like the awesome ninja I am--yeah right--and open the door to my room to be greeted by the beckoning hand of my favorite dish, lasagna. I practically float down the hall in a trance, like something you would see Shaggy and Scooby-Doo doing. And, yes, I do still watch them. What can I say? I'm a kid a heart.

Making my way towards the kitchen Mom hands me a plate with a pile of lasagna just the way I like it-a middle piece with a light topping of Parmesan and extra sauce on the side just in case there's not enough on my lasagna. Going to the cabinets I grab a glass cup and fill it with water while trying to balance my plate on the other hand.

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