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Kai made a chat

Jay joined the chat

Zane joined the chat

Cole joined the chat

Lloyd joined the chat

Nya joined the chat

Kai: Hey guys

Jay: Hey Kai

Zane: Hello Kai

Cole: What's up Kai

Lloyd: Hi Kai

Nya: I'm not a guy i'm girl

Kai: Oh sorry hey guys and girl

Nya: Much better

Kai: So guys and girl how are you doing

Zane: We are doing great

Jay: Yep

Cole: Yep

Lloyd: Yep

Nya: Yep

Kai: Why are you guys and girl saying yep

Cole: Cus we want to

Jay: Yeah Kai

Lloyd: Yep see? I said yep again

Nya: I agree with my friends and my boyfriend

Jay: Awww Nya

Kai: That not going to happen

Nya: What

Jay: What

Kai: i said that not going to happen because i don't want you to have a boyfriend Nya

Nya: But Kai please i want Jay to be my boyfriend please Kai

Jay: Yeah Kai please

Kai: No

Zane: Kai let Nya to be with Jay please

Cole: Yeah Kai you don't want me and Jay start fighting over Nya again will you?

Lloyd: Wait what

Nya: Is a long story you don't want to hear that Lloyd

Jay: Yeah i agee with my girlfriend

Cole: Me too

Zane: I agee

Kai: Fine

Nya: Thank you Kai

Jay: Yeah Kai thanks

Kai: You better take care of her Jay if you don't i will mad at you Jay

Jay: Don't worry Kai i will take care of her i promise

Kai: You better be

Lloyd: Hey guys and girl I'm going to leave so i will text you later

Kai: Okay Lloyd bye

Jay: Bye Lloyd

Zane: Goodbye Lloyd

Cole: Later Lloyd

Nya: Bye Lloyd

Lloyd: Bye

Lloyd left the chat

Jay: Hey Kai i'm leave too

Nya: Me too

Cole: I'm leave too

Zane: So do i

Kai: Okay guys and girl take care yourself

Jay: Bye Kai

Cole: Later Kai

Zane: Goodbye Kai

Nya: Bye Kai

Kai: Bye

Kai left the chat

Jay left the chat

Zane left the chat

Cole left the chat

Nya left the chat

I hope you guys like my story
October 1, 2017.
I'm going to post it only Saturday and Sunday

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