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Lloyd made a chat

Kai joined the chat

Jay joined the chat

Zane joined the chat

Cole joined the chat

Nya joined the chat

Lloyd: Hello guys and girl

Jay: Hey Lloyd

Zane: Hello Lloyd

Cole: What's up Lloyd

Nya: Hi Lloyd

Kai: Do you mean hello boys and girl instead of hello guys and girl

Lloyd: Hey i could do whatever i want

Kai: Okay jeez

Nya: Lloyd that not nice to you

Lloyd: What do you mean

Nya: The mean is like that not nice to you because you be mean to my brother Kai

Lloyd: So?

Nya: So? What do you mean so?! You have to apologize to my brother Kai

Lloyd: Okay fine i will apologize

Nya: Thank you

Lloyd: Kai are you still here?

Kai: Yes Lloyd i'm still here

Lloyd: Kai i'm sorry to be mean to you can you forgive me?

Kai: Yes Lloyd i forgive you

Lloyd: Thanks Kai your cool friend

Kai: Your welcome ane your cool friend too Lloyd

Nya: Awww that sweet

Lloyd: Hey Jay Zane and Cole are you guys still here?

Jay: Yes we are

Cole: Yep

Zane: We are still here Lloyd

Lloyd: Okay good just in case

Jay: I'm glad your change Lloyd

Cole: Yeah Lloyd your so mean to us when you little kid

Zane: Now yor change so you won't be mean to us anymore

Lloyd: Yeah your right guys i'm glad i change i will be good for now on

Jay: That good Lloyd

Cole: Yep

Zane: In deed

Nya: Hey i'm leaving so bye

Nya left the chat

Jay: Bye Lloyd

Jay left the chat

Zane: Goodbye Lloyd

Zane left the chat

Cole: Later Lloyd

Cole left the chat

Lloyd: Hey Kai can i tell you something before i leave

Kai: Sure Lloyd

Lloyd: I'm so sorry to be mean you when i little kid i'm really sorry

Kai: Lloyd that okay don't worry about it you still my friend okay? So be happy

Lloyd: Okay Kai thank you i will try to be happy

Kai: That great Lloyd i'm leaving right now bye Lloyd

Lloyd: Bye Kai

Kai left the chat

Lloyd left the chat

I hope you guys like my story
October 28, 2017.

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