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Ronin made a chat

Kai joined the chat

Jay joined the chat

Zane joined the chat

Cole joined the chat

Lloyd joined the chat

Nya joined the chat

Ronin: What's up ninjas

Kai: Ronin?

Jay: Hey Ronin

Zane: Great he here

Cole: Ummm Zane?

Lloyd: Are you okay Zane?

Nya: What wrong Zane

Ronin: Yeah tin can head what wrong

Zane: What are you doing here Ronin

Ronin: Chill out tin can head i'm just here for texting with my friends

Zane: I can believe it you were my friend

Kai: Ummm Zane can you tell us why are you mad?

Lloyd: Yeah Zane tell us what wrong

Zane: I'm not mad

Ronin: Is feel like you are mad tin can head

Jay: Ronin please stop call him tin can head

Cole: Yeah Ronin stop like right now

Nya: If you keep call him tin can head then he will get mad

Ronin: So? I don't care if he get mad at me i love making fun of him

Zane: Ronin please listening what my brothers and sister said

Ronin: No! Don't tell me what to do you are not a boss of me

Zane: What if i'm boss

Jay: Zane we are still waiting for your answer when you get mad

Cole: Yeah Zane just tell us already

Zane: How many times would i tell you i'm not mad

Nya: Zane just tell us right now

Kai: I know your mad Zane just tell us

Lloyd: Please tell us already Zane

Jay: Yeah Zane tell us i hate waiting

Cole: Yeah me too is feel like take forever

Ronin: You hear that tin can head your brothers and sister hate waiting

Zane: FINE I WILL TELL YOU ALREADY! And yes i'm mad

Kai: Finally no more waiting

Jay: It's about time you going to tell us already

Cole: I know right i'm sick of tired of waiting

Lloyd: Now he can finally tell us

Nya: We are listening to you Zane take your time

Zane: Okay brothers and sister i will tell you why i'm mad

Ronin: Okay tin can head we are listening

Zane: I'm mad because Ronin here and he took me and Pixal to master chan and do you know what happened to Pixal?

Nya: What happened to her

Zane: Her body is gone

Nya: How!?

Zane: I don't know but Ronin know

Nya: Ronin please tell us what happened to Pixal

Ronin: Sorry sweetheart i'm not going to tell you

Jay: Hey don't call her a sweetheart only me i tell Nya a sweetheart

Kai: Yeah Ronin leave my sister alone

Ronin: Okay fine jeez i will leave her alone

Kai Jay: Thank you

Nya: Hey guys i'm leaving so bye and Ronin you better tell me what happened to Pixal okay?

Ronin: Okay Nya

Nya: Good I'm leaving now bye

Nya left the chat

Jay: I'm leaving too bye

Jay left the chat

Kai: Bye Ronin

Kai left the chat

Cole: Ronin be nice to Zane okay? Goodbye

Cole left the chat

Lloyd: And don't call him tin can head okay bye

Lloyd left the chat

Zane: You will tell Nya what happened to Pixal right?

Ronin: Don't worry i will tell her

Zane: Good

Ronin: Goodbye tin can head

Ronin left the chat

Zane: I really hate him so much

Zane left the chat

I hope you guys like my story
November 18, 2017.
Hey guys i got first place media for Olympic bowling

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