Chapter ten

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Je T'aime!
Lucy: *reluctantly blows trumpet*
Mira: *rides off into the distant on a white horse, probably to find more Nalu*
Me: let's start!


"Natsu!" Her voice yells from behind me. I turn my head and stop in in my tracks. She takes a deep breath. She runs for a few feet until she's nearer me. Her blond hair blows in front of her eyes. She slowly tucks it behind her ears.
"L-Luce!?" I exclaim. Her chocolate eyes gaze at me.
"J....J....J...." she struggles to say. The loud noise of the airport almost drowning her voice out. I take a few steps closer so I can hear her better.
"Natsu! Hurry up!" I hear dad call behind me. I take one more look at Lucy's face. It was crimson.
"Natsu...." Lucy says and looks at the floor. "J...Je T'aime!"

Want some catching up?

No? That last sentence all you needed? Tch....

Well I'm going to do it anyway!

So sit back and relax!

Wendy and I got home and immediately went to our rooms to pack our bags. I admit, the thought of this was exciting, but it was taking me away from everything and everyone I hold dear. It's difficult to think about the bright side of this... I open my drawers and put clothes into the suitcase that Grandeeny left in my room. It was pitch black and had multiple compartments. I'd put the necessary things in here and the rest would be put in separate suitcases, ready to be delivered to us a few days after we arrived. I sigh every time I remove something from its rightful place. It's going to be so weird seeing this room empty. I'd grown attached to this room and didn't want to leave. Not to mention it was directly above the kitchen...

We attended school just as normal, so let's fast forward all of that. *insert fast forwarding noise*

Lucy and I head to the school gates. She suddenly grabs my arm and almost jumps in front of me.
"Natsu..." she says. She gazes at me and I feel myself flush.
"Luce?" I ask.
"Please...don't le-" she says but is interrupted by a car horn.
"Let's go Natsu!" I hear my dad call from a car. That's weird...he never picks me up...I guess we have to be there as soon as we can... Lucy looks at me, fear and worry in her face.
"Natsu!" She half calls. I pull her face forward and kiss her head. Instantly, my face turns red and so does hers.
"I'll talk when I can." I say.
"Promise?" She asks.
"Promise." I reply. I kiss her cheek before heading over to my dad's car.

"What about Wendy?" I ask as we drive to the airport.
"Grandeeny's picking her up once we've done loading the car. But she needs your help lifting while I finalise a few things." Dad explains.

So when we get home I help Grandeeny load the car with as many suitcases as possible then we load the rest onto the roof. Pretty soon Grandeeny left and later returned with Wendy. Then we drove to the airport and well....I think you te what happens there so

*fast forwarding music*

"Natsu...." Lucy says while looking at the floor. "J...Je T'aime!"

My eyes widen at her words. How the hell did she find us!? And in the middle of the airport! I calm my mind, collect my thoughts and reply.

"Lucy...." I say. She looks at me, eyes brimming with curiosity.

"Hmm?" She hums in reply.

"Je T'aime"


The end

Me: now where did Mira go...?
Lucy: she's already gone...
Me: oh....
Lucy: not again!
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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