new guy at school

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Hi! Just pointing out some stuff here! STORIES MAY OR MAY NOT BE CONTINUED! Stories may be about bill or Roman and your name is Maeve, ok? Ok. Hope you enjoy!

Btw I'm taking requests.

"Maeve come downstairs you're going to be late!" Your mother shouted from the kitchen. "Hang on one second!" You shouted back. You were too busy trying to make yourself look presentable for the first day of school. You had gotten so used to wearing a big t-shirt everyday, that you had forgotten how to assemble an outfit.

You had finally decided on wearing some dark wash, ripped jeans with a black tank top and a faded flannel. You threw on your combat boots and walked down to the kitchen. "Sweetie, you're 10 minutes late...the bus left without you." Your mom frowned at you. "I'll walk" you shrugged, grabbing an apple and walking towards the door. "Bye, I love you" you said, not looking back. " have a good day, lovie!" Your mom shouted, seeing as you were already out the door.

It was already September and you were starting your first day of school as a junior. You admired how beautiful the trees looked as they began to change colors. You inhaled the cool, crisp fall air and thought about what it would be like to be a leaf, falling from a tree. You were interrupted by a cool looking red car zooming past you, definitely exceeding the speed limit.

You didn't think much of it until you got to school. When you saw the same car sitting in the parking lot. There was a tall boy, about 6'4, standing next to it, making out with a blonde cheerleader. 'Who the hell is that' you thought to yourself. You looked to face the entrance of the school. You saw your best friend, Letha, sitting on a bench talking to her boyfriend, Peter.

You ran up to her and she stood up to give you a hug. "I missed you so much!" Letha said into your neck. You pulled apart. "I know! I wish that you didn't have to spend the summer with your weird cousin." You said, looking at the ground. "He's not weird at all anymore...and I know it's kinda awkward to say his but, he's actually hot." Letha said in a whispered voice.

"Really? Well, in that case, I can't wait to meet him! Where is he?" You exclaimed, excited and nervous. "Well I already saw you staring at him before you came to talk to me." Letha said, pointing to the tall stranger that was now talking with another girl.

"Holy shit." You said, hoping that nobody heard you. "Oooooo I think somebody has a crushhhhh!" She said punching your shoulder. "I'll call him over!". Before you could stop her to show that you were embarrassed, she had already started to call him over. "Roman! Roman come here I want you to meet someone!" She said at the top of her lungs. You were pretty sure people on the other side of the country could hear her.

You looked at Peter, giving him an unsure look, and then back at the handsome boy walking towards you. 'Oh brother' you thought to yourself, swallowing hard as Roman walked towards you. "What's up, cuz?" He said to Letha. " Roman, this is my best friend, Maeve. Maeve, this is my cousin, Roman." she said. "Pleased to meet you, Maeve." Roman said kissing your hand with his soft, plump lips.

"Nice to meet you too." You said while smiling at the ground like an idiot. "Well then, we should get to class." Letha said, pulling Peter inside the school, leaving you and Roman alone. "You have a beautiful smile." He said, lifting up your chin. You stared at his emerald green eyes. "You have gorgeous eyes." You said, still staring. "Why thank you" he said, running his fingers through his slicked back hair.

You two continued to talk for a few more minutes...nothing big, just small talk about school and what you guys did over the summer.  Roman walked you to class and you couldn't stop honking about him all period. Then the bell rang. You stepped outside of the classroom and walked to your locker.

"So, I was thinking." He said, startling you. " wanna go out to dinner tonight?". Roman asked. "Sure" you answered while blushing. "Great! See you at 7" He said.

Sorry that I ended this imagine very poorly! I didn't really know what to write soooooooo... yeah. I hope you enjoyed and be sure to leave requests about Roman or bill!

Bill Skarsgård/Roman Godfrey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now