bills first period

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FYI: YOUR NAME WILL BE MAEVE IN ALL STORIES :)This is gonna be a fluffy story so I hope you enjoy!

You flutter your eyes as you wake up. You smiled at the feel of Bills bare chest against your warm back. You tried to lift his long, muscular arm up off of you but instead he pulled you closer to him. "Good morning beautiful." He said in a morning voice that sent chills up your spine. "Good morning, Bill." You say, shutting your eyes, taking in the warmth of his embrace.

"I have to go to the bathroom." You say, attempting to get up again. "But I want to cuddle with you" he says pulling you even closer. "Bill. Seriously I have to go to the bathroom." You say once more. He lets go of you and makes a pouty face. You giggle and walked into the bathroom.

You pull down your shorts to see that you had red stains on your panties. "Great" you say to yourself. You reach under the sink and grab a box of tampons. You did what you had to do and took off your shorts and underwear. Still on the toilet,  you open the door, but before you could ask Bill to get you new clothes he was already standing there with sweatpants and panties for you.

"Need these?" He asked, handing the clothes to you. " did you-" he cut you off. "After you left unnoticed that there was blood on the bed and I figured that you might need new pants." He said. "Shit, I'm sorry." You said putting the sweatpants on. "For what, it's just a little blood. All I have to do is wash the sheets." Bill said, ripping he sheets off of your large bed.

You walked out of the bathroom and took the sheets from Bill. He smiled. He knew that you liked to take charge and be the responsible one.
You walked downstairs and threw them into the washer. Then you proceeded to go to the kitchen. On the island, waiting for you, was a plate filled with fruit, eggs, bacon, and a piece of dark chocolate.

"I want you to relax this weekend, okay?" You heard a familiar voice say from behind you. You giggled. "Thank you, love." You look up at him. He leaned down and pecked you on the lips. "Ok so. Today is going to be a movie and game day." He said with a grin. "What do you mean? How can we play any games with 2 people. " you ask curiously.

"Well, I've been wanting to surprise you for a while now, but I had no idea what to get you. So, while you were sleeping last night, I ran to the pet store and got us a puppy!" He said, opening a closet door, revealing a small, fluffy dog.

You immediately got up from your chair and ran over to the puppy

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You immediately got up from your chair and ran over to the puppy. "Oh my god, Bill! You actually got a puppy?" You exclaimed, petting the small creature. "Yeah! When I was younger, I had a dog that would play hide and seek and tag with me and my brothers, so I figured we could teach her to play hide and seek with us!"
He said picking the dog up, you standing up next to him. "Awwww, she's so adorable! But not as adorable as you, Bill." You say wrapping your arms around his torso.

"I love you. So much." You say, looking up into his bright green eyes. "I love you too, Maeve."

Bill Skarsgård/Roman Godfrey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now