•Chapter 1•

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----Aiden's P.O.V----

"Aiden, where the hell are you?!" Kaiden's voice boomed over the phone. "You were supposed to be here an hour ago. Dad's gonna fucking kill you!"

"How nice of you to remind me of my impending doom, brother," I said, trying hard not to yell back at him.

"Well, you should've known better than to go partying on a Sunday. What the hell is wrong with you?" He questioned.

"Nothing. I've just got a lot on my mind. I'm not thinking straight."

"Well, obviously. What the fuck did this chick do to you?" Kaiden pressed.

Why did he have to know me so well? "I do not want to talk about it." I voiced through clenched teeth.

"There's only so far you can run away from this Aiden. Get here now!" The next thing I heard was the disconnection sound. I tossed the phone to the passenger seat and let out a huge breath.

Since my horrid breakup with Lisa, I took to partying all night, everyday of the week. I had to distract myself from the pain before it tore me apart. It'd been five months. Five fucking months. Why the hell couldn't I get over her? Oh, that's right, because I loved her. I loved her with all of my heart yet she played me like a pack of cards.

I ran a hand through my dark hair in frustration. I was so pissed off and the stupid traffic really wasn't helping shit. It took about ten minutes before the car in front of me started moving.  I tried to move as well but then my car came to a halt. Oh, fuck no.

I turned it off  then turned it back on but it just made a weird sound and stopped once again. Hearing the cars behind me honk loudly, I switched on my hazard light to let them know I was having a problem. They started diverting into the other lane, some drivers cursing at me as they passed, not caring to know who I was. I ran a hand across my face and groaned in frustration. Great, the one time I decide to take the shortcut to the company, this happens, I thought.

I picked up my phone and dialed Kaiden's number. It rang three times before he picked up. "Are you almost here?"

"Hardly." A tired sigh passed my lips as I did a once over around my surroundings, having never been in this part of town.

"What's going on?"

"The stupid car broke down in the middle of the fucking road," I said, annoyance laced in my voice and I heard Kaiden sigh through the phone.

"Where are you?"

"I'm not sure but there's a cafe across the road called Drey's."

There was a short-lived silence before his voice sprang up again. " I've sent Mitch. He'll pick you up at that Drey's place," He said then hung up, obviously frustrated as well. I cringed at the thought of leaving my beautiful car in the weird-looking and probably dangerous neighborhood but I got out anyway. I locked it and double checked before I crossed the road. As I walked, I could see people staring at me but I ignored them.

Stepping into the cafe, I felt the eyes of everyone present on me. My family is highly respected around the world, we usually eat at very elegant places and five star venues even if it's just for coffee so I'm sure everyone was more than surprised to see me in a rundown coffee place.

People started pulling out their phones and taking pictures, some girls even sending me kissy faces and flirty looks but I just brushed them off and walked head-on to the counter. There was a girl of small stature behind the counter with her back to me humming notes as she focused on the floor she was mopping. She didn't seem to notice me as I took a seat on one of the chairs. "Hey," I said and she turned around swiftly,  dropping the mop.

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