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I got back to my apartment within thirty minutes or so, nearly freezing my balls off. I got inside the dorm and shook off the light snowfall. I hated the cold weather. I was used to sunny weather, or at least a little sunshine. Fuck this snow, fuck this overcast, fuck this-

Car door slam.

"What?!" I said to myself, "H-He's here! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"

I quickly peeked out the window, making sure not to be seen. All I saw is what looked like a hand-me-down mom van and a hooded figure pulling boxes out of the trunk and backseat. I was shaking, not from the cold but from- I don't know what from. I was scared, excited, nervous... Everything! Maybe I should have taken Armin up on his offer.

I quickly jumped up after I saw his figure start to turn around. He must need help, and as much as I hated the cold, I had to go help him. I opened the front door and flung myself out there.

The cold hit me like a brick wall, but not as much as the figure standing in front of me did. I could tell he was obviously surprised, but he didn't take it personally as he started chuckling.

"I was wondering where you were." He said in a friendly tone. I looked up, as he was a couple inches taller than me. My heart dropped to my stomach. Butterflies rose to my chest, and a lump formed in my throat.

"Hi, I'm Marco, Marco Bodt. You must be Jean, right?" He asked with a smile. Was this man a god? Everything from his tanned skin to his freckled face was beautiful. He had puppy dog like brown eyes that could pull you in and almost make you give him anything he wanted. His nose was turned up at the end that gave him an innocent childish like look, and when he smiled, it just made his entire face brighten up.

"Helloooooo?" He asked once again, with another chuckle. I came out of my stupor with a sharp inhale and nodded my head.

"Except it's not pronounced 'Gene' it's pronounced 'John'". I corrected with a red tint to my ears that I knew was visible. I swallowed and walked outside, biting my lower lip.

'Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck' was all I could think. I started to help Marco bring in his boxes in silence. I didn't know what to say to the guy! He was just so..! He just seemed so..!

"So Jean, tell me about yourself!" He said suddenly, after all the boxes had been brought in. He slipped off his large jacket to reveal that his jacket wasn't that large, it was just him. He had large muscles, a broad chest... Fuck, did this guy go to military school?!

"I... like art..." I said awkwardly and bit my lip, trying not to stare at Marco's build. This made the taller man laugh.

"I meant what're you into?" He asked again and leaned onto the counter. I was taken aback by the choice of words, my mind swirled. What am I majoring in? I forgot.

"U-um... I like photography..." I managed to squeak out. I quickly swallowed and looked away from Marco. The larger male tipped his head curiously, then nodded.

"Tell me, Jean, am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked out of no where. I looked up at him quickly, and stood up.

"No no, nothing like that!" I said, waving my hands. I forced a smile.

"I can read people well and I can tell that you don't seem to like me much. Do I need to find a more compatible roommate?" Marco asked, looking into my eyes.

"No, please stay!" I begged, gripping onto one of his hands, "I want to know you more! I'm just scared you'll hate me..."

I didn't want to tell him. How could I tell him? I can't keep it a secret though. He deserved to know.

"Hate you for what?" He asked with a curious tone in his voice, looking down at our connected hands, not doing anything about it.

"I'm.... I'm gay..." I admitted, looking at my feet, blushing to my ears. I heard him chuckling once again. I thought he was laughing at me and I grew furious.

"What a coincidence." He said in a sultry voice and tipped my head up with his index finger, making me look him in the eye.

"So am I."

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