Not Again

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A/N- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ! GUYS I JUST HIT 100+ VOTES AND 1K VIEWS! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I never thought I would get here, I thought i would just be a ghost author basically. But really, thank you so much!

I woke up this morning from a spam of Christina tweets (a/n- this happens all the time lol go follow her on twitter at BeautyChickee if you haven't)

Zach was laying next to me and he had his face buried in a pillow, laying on his stomach, with one of his arms around me. I went to move his arm and eh woke up right away. Dang this kid is a light sleeper.

"Where are you going? I don't ever wanna wake up alone. I want the first thing I see in the morning to be your beautiful face."

"Aww z" I said blushing

"Let's have a day together...just us" he said


"Yay! We need one"

"Yeah we do" I said sitting down in his lap. I turned around to face him, still in his lap.

"Hey" I said smiling

"Hey" he said smiling

"I love you"

"I love you too" I said laying my head down on his bare chest, listening to his heart beat.

He kissed my head and we fell back asleep. We were very tired after tour and everything so don't blame us.

I woke up and he was gone. What happened to not waking up alone.

I waited for him to come back and went downstairs

"Where's Zach you guys?" I asked

Everyone shrugged

"I thought he was with you" Jonah said taking s sip of his daily coffee

"He was but I woke up and he was gone" I said texting as I texted Zach


Me: Zach where are you?

Me: Zach?

Me: z

Me: a

Me: c

Me: h

I kept texting him over and over, yet nothing. It had been hours I had no idea where he was, and he wasn't responding. I was getting really worried.

"Guys I'm gonna go upstairs okay?" I said

I just received a yeah from each of them as I ran up the stairs.

I sat on my bed and started worrying even more about Zach. I got really really worried because there had been some kidnappings recently. Next thing I knew I was shaking and breathing really heavy and fast. Two words that as my worst nightmare. Panic. Attack.

"Hey y/n do you have any toothpaste I can...OH MY GOD Y/N!" Daniel said

"Guys! Come up here quick!" Daniel said as the boys came running upstairs

"What's wrong? Sweetie what's wrong?"

It is the hardest thing ever to talk during a panic attack, its like you are trying to breathe and calm down by you want to say something and it's so stressful.

In between breathes I got out..
"Zach...worried...panic...attack" I said as I felt my fingers and cheeks get ti fly like they were falling asleep

"Shhh it's okay" Corbyn said taking me into his arms and rocking me back and forth

"Did something happen with Zach that we don't know about" jack asked

"No" I just barely made out

Just then the door of my room opened and there was Zach, with Starbucks, food, and what looked like a gift for me.

He stopped, set everything down on the ground, and ran over to me.

"Zach" I made out as I tried to calm down now that I knew he was fine

"y/n what's wrong?" He said as I launched myself onto him, my arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist, still breathing heavy

"She was worried about you and starting having a panic attack" Jonah said

"Guys go for a minute" Zach said as the boys left

I calmed down and lied my head on Zach's shoulder

"Zach...I need to tell you something. But first why were you gone so long and why didn't you answer my texts?"

"1, I had to get all this. 2, my phone died because I forgot to plug it in. I didn't tell you that I was leaving because I wanted to surprise you" Zach said

"I have very mixed feeling right now. But I'm gonna forget them all and I'm gonna do what I've wanted to do for the last few hours" I said

"Which is?" Zach asked

"just sit here and hug you so tight"

We both pulled away a few minutes later and smiled.

"Okay, now I'll tell you" I said getting serious

"Okay." Zach said

"So basically, my mom has really bad anxiety and so I do to. The main anxiety I have is technically separation anxiety, but I also just get anxiety all the time. I though it had gone away but apparently not. When I was a baby, my mom couldn't even go to the bathroom without me screaming my head off. And in kindergarten for half of the year, I had half days because I didn't want to be away from my mom" I said

"Wow" Zach said

"Wait. Trust me there's more. I cried every first day of elementary school (kindergarten- 5th grade) and cried in or out of school every single first day of school. I can't control it, I go to a therapist once and a while but I haven't gone in a while, but she moved here , to l.a, so maybe I'll start going again."

^^(A/n- this is actually truly my life, but my anxiety is going down and it's getting better)

"Babe I am so sorry, next time I go I'll leave a note okay. And do you wanna tell the guys?" Zach said

"Yeah sure we should tell them" I said

"We already know" is heard four boys say from outside the door

Me and zach looked at eachother and just shook our heads

A/n- Hope you guys liked it! Love you all! Thanks again!

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