Finn is dead Clarke pov

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After I killed Finn I started to see things as in Finn where ever I go he's there.  I wonder if love is weakness. But I've had a crush for a while now but I am almost positive that he doesn't feel the same. I just hope that raven will forgive me for killing Finn but I doubt it.  I loved Finn but I guess I loved my people more.  I was with Bellamy out getting food.

"Clarke?" Bellamy said  "yeah." I responded "I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry. " I knew what he meant but I still played dumb "for." "What you had to do to save our people. " "don't you get it Bellamy their not our people anymore! " "I do get it" "no you don't,  you didn't have to kill the person you thought you loved only to fine out you never did! I'm tired of people ask if I'm okay,  im tired of people saying sorry for something that I did.  Finn wasn't supposed to die! "

I got pulled into a hug by Bellamy every time I touch Bellamy I feel a spark like the blood in my veins was electrified I didn't realize I was crying tell I pulled out of the hug and noticed tear stains one Bellamy shirt. I hate crying in front of people especially bellamy but I can't control it.

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