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Maybe it'll never change. The night will fade away, leaving the sun to rise once again and shine it's bright light, yet no one would feel illuminated. People will continue being... well... people. Knowing nothing but destruction. Nothing would ever be able to cure those sad faces we all feel should be hidden. "Life's great!" is just another lie. There's nothing great about feeling trapped inside yourself. Feeling useless, pathetic and not being able to do anything about it. Constructing a wall of glass between you and everyone else. Try to touch it and it'll cut deep. Isolated. Lonely. But maybe life is great. Maybe in another world. Maybe at another time. If that is the case, take me far away. I don't want to be here anymore.

Yes. We are human. We lie. Steal. Break. Kill. Cannibals in ways. And yet, some don't feel even a hint of remorse or regret. But when we don't get something we want, it feels like the end of the world. The concept is confusing. We find it comforting when someone else shares our pain. That's cruel. If you're hurting you wouldn't want someone to feel the same. But it makes us think that we're not alone. That is who we are. Some people cry when they're sad. Some might listen to music or write what they feel. Others scream at the top of their lungs or hurt someone. Then there are those who when in great deal of pain, they paint. Though this time the canvas changes, the brush becomes a little too sharp, and the only color used is red.

Curious. Have you ever wondered about what your purpose is? What are we even here to do? Nothing important. Nothing lasts forever. Eventually we'll be 6 feet underground where we'll decay and be forgotten. We might as well not try. No matter how hard we try, we'll never be up to society's standards. Never enough. I'm used to it. The whole try again thing? I'm sick of it. But it could be worse, right? No. Not really. That's just something we say to ourselves to feel a little bit better. Everything that could happen has already happened. History just repeats itself. Everything you feel isn't new. Some people are sad by choice. You'll find a way to get through. Don't worry. Nothing lasts forever.

Running is the easiest way out for most of us- if not all of us. But even so, problems and chaos still follow. Still find a way to torment us. We run from something bad, to something worst. We're all on hamster wheels. Going in different direction, but we can't stop. Never ending.

You might feel dizzy. You're not the only one. It isn't easy. But we can try and play along. Lets pretend not to mind the injustice. The humiliation. The whole taking advantage thing. Eventually it won't matter.

Funny how we care more about what others think of us than our own opinion. Funny because they feel the same way. They depend on your opinion also. Why should another sack of skin and bones decide how we should live? There isn't a right or wrong. Just an "okay, nice try." And "Good." No one is better than anyone else. The only reason you've heard that phrase before is because it's true. Let people think whatever they want, but they're just something that will be forgotten.

One reason I am writing this is because of boredom. But the main reason is because I needed to write words I can't say to anyone else. Doesn't make them special. Just makes them unspoken by their creator. These words will only be seen as something to me. Something never forgotten, since they'll never be remembered.

Rain. Rain will forever be beautiful. It doesn't disappoint. No matter what, it will always be rain. It falls from the sky and eventually returns. Is everything so beautiful in the sky? So beautiful that it makes you want to go back? So peaceful. So lovely. You might call it perfect.

Hmmm. You might be thinking "What does the rain have to do with anything?" Well, think. Rain reminds everyone of something. No matter if its sad or happy or doesn't even make sense. Even if you can't explain it. The word means or has meant something to everyone. Rain is something that might never be forgotten.

'Eternity' or 'Forever.' Both words we use often. Yet we don't last that long. Nothing does. Yet again, they're just words. And words were made to be said. I guess whoever came up with the words 'eternity' and 'forever' had an open mind. They had goals, hope and dreams, a clear outlook on the future. Bravo.

Learn. We learn from mistakes. We learn from experiences. It gets us through life. Helps us not to be easily fooled or taken advantage of. Try to learn as much as you can. Then you might feel a bit better.

Paint a picture in your head about how the world would look if anyone got along. Don't read on until you have that picture. It's nice right? There wouldn't be need for such violent things or violent words. No need for arguments or authority. No need for this writing. These are just words that have been said before. Maybe not in the same order, but definitely said before.

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