"Nearly Gone"

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If you wanted to see me happy
Why the fuck wouldn't you say something ?
Now I'm way in too deep
I almost feel nothing
I wanna be happy
I wanna be free
But this darkness inside
Has the most of me
I feel like I can't breath
I feel like I'm caged in
I feel like I can't live
Why did you let this happen ?
I thought you loved me
That's what you always said
Did you mean any of it ?
Or you just enjoy fucking with my head ?

I say I hear voices
You say I'm schizophrenic
I say I'm really fine
But I feel like I'm about to panic
They say trust no one
They are my only friends
I wanna believe them
Because it feels like no one cares
I'm starting to think it's true that
No one cares for me
I'm starting to believe
No one has love for me
I'm still just a kid
I don't wanna live like this
But when they start talking
They say not to fight this
That's why I'm pretending
It's cause no one believes me
That's why I'm fucked in the head
It's cause no one listens to me

I asked you if you can help me
Cause I don't fucking sleep
You told me you were busy
Now I'm just too fucking deep
I fake everything
But just on the outside
I don't think I can do this anymore
Cause I'm fucking damaged inside
I'm nearly gone
So, just sit back and watch me
Watch and laugh as I fall
Down where there's no one to catch me

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