Chapter 1

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'Jay! Can you bring the empty crates behind!' My mom yelled from the kitchen as I was cleaning up the bar.

It was Wednesday evening so luckily the bar wasn't that busy, so we could close up earlier.

My parents owned a bar in one of the lesser neighbourhoods in town, so on weekdays it wasn't busy, but in the weekends you could hardly move a finger around.

I was required to help out at least 3 days a week to own my allowance.

I quickly wrapped up what I was doing and stapled three crates and continued to walk to the back alley, where our trash was.

As I stepped outside I quickly went to work throwing the beer bottles in the glass container.

I shuddered because I was only wearing a simple black tank top with our bar logo on it with ripped jeans, and it was pretty cold outside.

'Shouldn't you be wearing a little more outside at night.' A man said to me, probably making weak flirt attempts.

It wasn't really unusual for men to try to engage in conversation with me in the back alley, in the hope to take me home. But I was used to it by now.

I turned around and took a look at the man. He was wearing a black beanie and dark strands of hair were hanging on his forehead. He has plump pink limps and a little blush on his cheeks, probably from the cold. His eyes were flirtatious but showed no sign of intoxication, which was rare at this time in this neighbourhood.

He was wearing a dark blue hoodie with black ripped jeans that matched mine. As a touch up he was wearing a black leather jacket with faux fur inside of it and rolled up at the end of the sleeves. His ears were thoroughly pierced and little shimmering ring hugged his lower lip. The man was handsome.

'That's alright, I'll be back in soon. Thanks for worrying anyway.' I said to him as I continued working.

I heard a small chuckle coming from behind me and heard some fumbling. Suddenly I felt something warm and soft hug my shoulders. My eyes widened and I noticed that he put his jacket on me.

I opened my mouth and tried giving the jacket back. But the man already ran away.

My hands stroked the soft faux fur of the jacket and I stood there in shock for a little bit, in a year time of working this was the weirdest thing that happened to me yet.

'I am telling you Joy! He was so, so, breath-taking.' I fangirled to her on skype while wearing the jacket.

'Oh, was it love on first sight.' Joy said as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I let out a small love-struck sigh and felt a smile creeping up on my face.

The men surely was handsome and intriguing. But love on literally first sight, is a bit to much to say.

'Nah, not really.' I said as I slouched back in to my desk chair and shrugged my shoulders.

'Don't lie to me Jaylee!' Joy exclaimed as she started rambling on how it's not appropriate to lie to your friends. Especially not to your best-friend.

I shrugged my shoulders again and sat up. 'Look I gotta go. My mom wants me to milk the plants.' I said quickly before closing the conversation.

I got up and let myself fall back down on my bed, thinking back on what happened two hours ago. My mind wandered back on his beautifully pierced ears. His pierced lip. Oh, how would that feel to kiss.

I blushed at my thoughts and started to get embarrassed. How could I already be thinking of kissing the stranger. We literally exchanged two sentences. I guess that's how fangirls feel, and they haven't even exchanged words with their idols.

I sighed and hugged the jacket closer to me. Taking in the good smell and I turned on my side. Letting sleep softly and in a caressing way take me over.

My alarm took me out of my beautiful dream and I gave a glare to the alarm clock.


I noticed I was still wearing the jacket and my work clothes from yesterday. Shit, what if my smell took over his smell and the jacket would smell like him.

I quickly threw of the jacket and took a blast to the bathroom to get ready for school. I put on some music to make the time go by a little bit more quickly and threw on my school uniform.

I walked out the bathroom in to my room again to grab my backpack, but not before throwing a last glance at the jacket laying on the floor.

Should I wear it to school instead of my old plain winter coat? I mean, I would look fancy, since the jacket looks expensive.

I took a leap at it, threw it on and flung my back pack over my shoulder. As the jacket was a little bit to big it looked like I had some kind of rich boyfriend who lent me his jacket.

I gave myself a little smirk in the mirror and quickly walked outside.

And now we just hope I don't run into the stranger, 'cause that would be just plain embarrassing.


'So this is the famous jacket.' Joy smirked at me as we sat down on a bench in the school lawn.

I stood up and did a fancy twirl to show it of. 'Yes, indeed it is.' I mused and let out a giggle afterwards.

'You are such a wuss, a hot stranger gives you a jacket and you are totally in love. Let me guess, you slept in it.' Joy chuckled at me.

I let out an offended scoff but the blush on my cheeks couldn't hide the truth. 'You totally did!' Joy cackled as she clutched her stomach from laughing so hard.

'Shut up, it smelled good okay.' I muttered and sat down hugging and smelling it for the Nth time today.

'Oh btw, I don't think we have to worry about Park jimin this year, his attendance already sucks, and it's only the second week of school. I haven't seen him appear once.' I said to Joy.

Joy nodded in acknowledgement and unwrapped her creampuff she got from the cafeteria. 'I guess you're right.'

Park Jimin didn't attend school once in these two weeks, which brings his attendance to 0%, which also means he has a chance of being expelled. Not that I care though, okay I do care. As the Classes Vice President, I do care about the attendance of my class, since we want to win the award of best class of our grade at the end of the year.

But with Jimin entering our class, it could be long forgotten. Selfish bastard.

After school I went straight to the bar without changing at home.

The people who weren't regular visitors gave me weird looks about how a school girl dared even to come here and take seat at the bar.

My mom gave me a nod of acknowledgement and passed me a glass of water. 'After you are done hydrating I want you to take the crates back.' She said to me.

'Again? I am not even working today.' I muttered annoyed under my breath.

My mother gave me a warning look indicating I should do as she says.

I sighed, quickly gulped down the water and stood up. I threw my backpack behind the bar and walked over to grab the crates.

As I was walking towards the back exit I started wondering if maybe, just maybe I would meet the stranger again.

The moment I walked outside, I quickly looked around only to see no sign of the stranger.

I let out a sigh again, and quickly started to get to work, not noticing the approaching footsteps from behind.

'Beautiful jacket you're wearing, where did you get it?'

Hooked. /P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now