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Evan's POV (Vanoss)

My crew and I were off to go do a heist at Los Santos biggest bank, we've robbed banks like this before so it shouldn't be a problem. I know it.

Wildcat, Lui, Delirious and I jumped out of the truck, I had Nogla and Basically on the back on the truck, Moo and Mini were in the front of the vehicle, while Terroriser was hacking into the system. Everything seemed to go as plan, but when I turned around I see a girl around my age (hes going to be 20! I'M SORRY >.<) with (H/L) (H/C) hair standing in the middle of the street looking at us. 

'She can't get away with knowing this' I say to myself, she then saw me and hid behind the wall down the alley. I mean why didn't she run like everyone else, doesn't she know who we are?

"Vanoss!" I hear Del yell my name, to get my attention.

"H-huh?" I wasn't paying attention (clearly -.-)

"We going?" He asked

I was thinking, we need to get this girl, she can't get away after seeing this. I turn to the group and nod my head, signaling us to forward with the plan.

*timeskip because who has the patience to know what happens in the bank*

I was now running after this girl, she's fast I will admit but not as fast as me. I soon see her turn into a dead end, it was funny to be honest, but I stopped once I got there. I looked down at her and see that she knew she was screwed, I couldn't help but smirk.

"No where to run princess, you've got no luck I'm afraid." I say, walking towards her.

I see her pull out a small blade, it was cute haha, I started to laugh and she gave me a confused look.

"You can't hurt me with that, let alone you can't defend yourself with it." I walked closer, and started to take in her features.

Her (H/L) (H/C) was nicely done and it shown in the sunlight, her (E/C) were glistening, not from tears but like a sparkle. Her (S/C) looked smooth and her lips, well i couldn't really tell because of the makeup, but they looked kissable. 

'Don't get caught up with this chick.'

I then see her freaking out, but also trying to figure out something. Once I knew she was so deep in thought, I knocked her out. She goes limp and falls, but I catch her just before she hits the ground, and take her back with me to the crew.

"Is that you're new girlfriend Vanoss?" Wildcat snickers.

"No, this chick saw us, so I'm not letting her get away knowing that she is a bystander."

"Whatever" He smirks at me, I swear I would slap that smirk off his face right now.

I put the girl in the back of the truck with Moo and Mini, and they just stared at her weirdly and then at me. 'She is gonna have to stay with us for awhile.' I sigh and sit down, drifting off to sleep from a day of work.

*timeskip, brought to you by basically's rage lol*

(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly open my eyes, and wake up to a throbbing (don't XD) headache. 

"Did he had to hit me that hard?" (you know what, for all you dirty minds, its okay your minds are allowed here XD) I question to myself

I try to stand up only to realize I'm on a weird, hard bed, chained, to the posts of the bed. I quickly look down and sigh in relief. 

'At least my clothes are still on me...' I think. But my thoughts soon came to an end when I heard the door opening to a guy in green. I stared in confused as to who he was. He came over and took the chains off and grabbed me, chucking a bit at my confusion.

"The boss needs to see you." He says answering to my confusion. 

'Boss?'  We exited out of the room and walk down the hall to a large door. The guy knocked and we heard a faint 'come in'. He opened the door and hurriedly pushed me in, but not too hard and ran off. Closing the door...

'Great..' I roll my eyes and turn away from the door and started to examine the environment I was in. White walls, a black bookcase (idk), a window, a table full of papers and weapons, a red desk with a black chair facing away from me. I decided to take a couple steps forward, but stop when I see the chair turn around to see none other than Vanoss in it, but without his owl mask.

I took this time to look at what he looks like, he has nice black hair that is sticking up, from what I can tell behind his sunnies, he's Asian. He's got nice face structure, and he has nice tan skin.

I gulp, a bit worried about what is going to happen. Well I'm worried, but not a lot, because to be honest I don't care..

"Take a seat." Vanoss told me while chucking, he probably caught me looking at him, so I hesitantly took a seat in one of the red chairs, its comfy which is good.

"So, I'm guessing you want to know why you're here?" He asks

Well I already know why, but I slowly nodded.

"You saw us doing our dirty work, we cannot risk you getting away with you knowing you saw us did this. I can't exactly trust you to leave, because most likely you'd tell someone about what you saw. So we are keeping you in here. For a while." He answered eying me closely.

'Well that is fair, but wait what?! (Y/N) no! He hit you and kidnapped you! Well I'm used to getting hit, but wait, I have to stay here with criminals?!'

"Not much of a talker huh? What's your name princess?" he asked with a smug look, I'll admit he is cute, wait, I can't say that!

"Thank you, but I'm more hot than cute. Now answer." He says smugly, I must've said it out loud. I blushed and gathered up enough courage to answer

"I-it's.... It's (Y/N)."

Evan's POV

"I-it's.... It's (Y/N)" 

(Y/N) huh? It's perfect, beautiful too.

"Well (Y/N), do you know who I am, or who we are?" I ask and smirk, knowing that Wildcat and Lui walked in.

She turns around hearing people coming in, cute. She turns back to me and has a look of certainty, and smirks back answering.

"Well, of course. What the hell do you think? That I live under a rock?" It caught me off guard, but I looked at her eyes again seeing a hint of fear, but it was greatly covered with confidence.

"What is our name bitch." Wildcat sternly asks

"The Vanoss Crew. Jeez you don't have to be a dick, though that must be hard for you." (burn..)

Wildcat frowns and starts to walk towards her when I stop him and we hear Lui snicker.

"Sorry." Lui says.

"Both of you, out. I have some things to discuss with (Y/N)." I ordered them

They leave and I turn to (Y/N) and see her look away crossing her arms.

I chuckle and sit on the desk in front of her and look down at her.

"Now, here are some things you would need to know."


DONE! Finally...I'm gonna try and update every day if not then every 2nd or 3rd day. I enjoy typing this and I hope i'm doing a good job with this story as well.

Craig: you need to get more views

Me: readers? yeah, but i'm not too stressed over it. I'm trying my best

Evan: You're doing great

Me: thanks but I-


Bryce: Jeez chill, we gotta have a cool community.

Me: Guys please, calm down. But anyway, please vote, comment and share! With friends, fam, or idk lol. Like last time, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you bad ass people in the next chapter! 

Byeeeee! xx

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