Chapter 1

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You'll never know how much I love you

Chapter 1



I lay in my bunk on the tour bus and sighed.

I don't know what to do

I still love Danielle but I'm dating Sophia

I groaned loudly

Niall walked in and opened the curtain

'You alright mate?' He asked looking concerned

'Yeah I'm fine' I said sitting up and getting down from the top bunk

'Liam, we've know each other for 4 years I know when something's wrong'

'I don't know if I want to be with Sophia anymore, I miss Danielle' I said breaking down crying

Niall wrapped me in a hug

I just stood there and cried on his shoulder

He rubbed my back

He waited until I finished crying then spoke

'I can't tell you who to be with Li but you need to think about this a lot'

'I've got a date with Sophia in 10 minutes better get going' I said pulling on my high tops and a coat

I looked in mirror happy with my jeans and plaid shirt

I put on a pair of sunglasses and a beanie

I walked out the tour bus and made my way to a tea shop down the road

I got there a few minutes early so sat down and waited

20 minutes later

I'm still sat here waiting for Sophia

I got up ready to leave

I walked round the corner and stopped

I saw Sophia pressed up against the wall kissing some dude

I knocked over a bin causing it to make a loud crashing noise

She gasped and pushed him away

'Do you know what 'babe'' I said putting air quotes around babe. 'We're through'

I walked off and back to the tour bus

I slammed the door on the way in and everyone's heads turned

I kicked my shoes off and went back to my bunk it's now 8:00pm

I pulled the curtain closed and the covers up to my chin and got my phone out my pocket

I tweeted

'I wish I never let you go'


'I miss you'

But I wasn't talking about Sophia

I was talking about the only girl I'll love to my grave


You'll never know how much I love youWhere stories live. Discover now