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Not the BEST prologue I've ever made, but it's better than nothing, am I right?

This is a crossover FanFiction of mine—(one of many actually), that I thought would be fun to share with you all. So enjoy my dear readers!




     The shrill, enraged voice rung through the blast-marked room as Megatron backed away into the bridge of his warship, keeping a smoldering silver cannon trained on his archenemy. A hiss escaped through his sharp clenched teeth as he circled the robot across from him like a vulture. The other being emerged from the shadows, a sleek blue and red Cybertronian. Optimus Prime.

"Stand down Megatron," Optimus voiced authoritatively. "You have lost. Your armies are gone, and the Decepticons have scattered. The war has ended."

"As long as my spark functions, the war will always continue Prime!" Megatron shot back, drawing his fusion cannon up and fired several shots at Prime. The blue-red Cybertronian blocked his foe's fire with his massive orange-steel blade, known by many as the mighty Sword of Primes.

One bolt reflected back at Megatron, the blaze scorching his shoulder plate. He staggered and leered at Optimus. He loathed that stupid sword. He loathed Optimus. Period. Why did that insignificant clerk get to be named a fragging Prime? A CLERK! Of all people... He SHOULD have at least been considered for all his suffering at the hands of the hierarchy, being forced to compete as a gladiator. But no. Having failed with that approach, he tried to get his claws on the Matrix of Leadership, but again, that shrimp beat him to it.

'And now look at me,' he thought hatefully. 'Forced to flee by the very same one who brought me to this low state'.

Even as Megatron thought this, he had to dodge a swipe or two from said nuance. "Can't even let me escape in peace?" He growled. Optimus didn't answer. Instead, he swung his blade again at the Decepticon leader, only to have the surprise of Megatron grabbing him by his wrist, stopping the would-be deadly blow. As the two struggled for control, Megatron raised a spiny foot, slamming it into Prime's stomach with a very loud, reverberating clash of metal. Optimus lost his balance and fell onto his back, dazed, but unharmed. He shook off the light throb in his midsection and quickly recovered.

     As he got to his feet, he noticed Megatron tapping away at a control panel: a spacebridge panel. The Autobot leader narrowed his optics. If Megatron escaped, he would have the time to gain a new army of Decepticons and the whole thing would start all over again. For once, it ended here and now.

     "Goodbye Prime," Megatron said with a sneer. "Until next time..."

     The spacebridge opened, the light in the room dimming to accommodate the brightness of the portal. Megatron gave a scornful glare to his enemy before darting down the bridge.

     "Not today, Megatron," Optimus stated firmly.

     He tapped his head comn and contacted the Autobot base. "Ratchet, lock onto my last-known coordinates and have the team assemble here."

The line remained silent for a moment before Ratchet's voice was heard. "Sir?"

"Ratchet. I cannot let Megatron escape again." He paused for a minute. "I'm going after him."

"Optimus please, we don't know where he's heading. What's more, what if-"

"I have faith in my companions, Ratchet. And if I am destined to be stranded in another be it. As long as Megatron is stopped and is no longer able to bring terror to anyone ever again."

"Be careful old friend. Ratchet out."

The Autobot leader gazed at the portal for a few seconds before giving chase, crossing through the bridge himself. At the end of the bridge was a bright light so intense that Optimus had to shield his stinging optics. As his optics adjusted to the light, he realized he was not on Megatron's warship anymore. Instead, he stood in a grassy field, in a place that reminded him very much of earth. In fact, it WAS like earth in a lot of ways. The atmosphere, the oxygen levels, the gravity. But as he took in his surroundings, one thing stood out that was not earth-like at all. It was an enormous city that was divided into several biomes and filled with strangely shaped buildings that resembled Terran animals and plants.

His focus was shattered by the sound of the dissipating spacebridge. He turned around to where he had come from as the portal collapsed and faded into nothingness. He was now trapped. Trapped in an unknown world on the hunt for Megatron. No Autobots, lots of people...

He shook the doubts out of his mind.

He had a job to do.

And this time... He would finish it.

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