Love Finds a Way

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"Love will find a way"

Those were the words

Inscribed on the heart shaped rock.

And on the reverse side

A compass that almost never pointed north.

Those were true words

That hurt and heal

Because love does find a way.

It could find a way into the smallest cracks

Of your walls and into your heart.

Or, it could slip away into the dead of night

Leaving you lifeless and cold.

It can bring the least likely of hero's and heroine's

Together to bring down a loveless foe.

Even the loneliest villains crave love,

Some even find it.

I lost my compass,

I lost my heart shaped rock.

It was stolen from me

Like every other love.

You don't see much love in the world today.

You see people standing for what they believe in

But the love is fractured, never whole.

They say they are fighting for people without a voice.

When voiceless speak up

They are told to be silent.

Corrupt politicians say they love the people they represent

While holding the knife in our backs.

A country with two sides saying they love where they live

But fight one another.

Love finds a way.

I'm not saying tolerate what the hate groups are saying,

We shouldn't spew hate when hate is being spewed.

We shouldn't yell at one another like the other is a brick wall.

One side is not going to change the other.

Then again, we shouldn't have to live in a world

Where racism, sexism, orientation and what we do behind closed doors

Should matter.

Each one of us are different, but we are all human.

Love will find a way.

Love is a fickle thing

It can carry you high

Make you feel like you can't be touched.

Or it can bring you down

Squirming on the floor

Muttering "Et tu, Brute?"

Love too much, you're clingy.

Too less, you're heartless.

Love yourself, you're probably Narcissus.

There is never a happy medium in love.

But it does find a way.

It finds a way to break you,

Or make you feel whole.

It can fill a void,

Or create a soul-sucking, black hole.

We each love

In our own little, loving ways.

The stone was always cold.

I've tried to warm it in my hands

But it chilled me to the bone.

You left a scar on my heart,

The one I am not proud to show.

It was you that left me out in the cold.

No explanation

No closure

Just gone.

You didn't just burn the bridge.

You nuked it, with no trace left.

And I am still living in the fallout.

Still irradiated with the love you once gave me.

Becoming more and more blind to the truth

That I can fix it.

That a new bridge could be erected.

Love will find a way?

I'm tired of second guessing myself

I want to love like there is no tomorrow

Because tomorrow isn't promised to us.

I want that no strings attached love.

Where I wake up and you're the first thing on my mind

The last thing I see before I go to sleep.

Where even in my dreams

I'm haunted by your silhouette

Beckoning me to come closer to my inevitable fate.

I want to feel your soft strokes leave goosebumps in their wake.

I want to feel alive.

I want to feel afraid.

I want to feel love.

Love always finds a way.

I find myself too late.

I find myself wishing, hoping, praying

That some love comes my way.

I have so much love to give

And everyone just takes.

Never give the love back,

Mold it, reuse it

Give it to someone that really needs it.

Let someone else get high off the love I gave.

Maybe one day, my love will return to me

Disfigured and unrecognizable,

With a bitter-sweet taste.

Because you know,

Love will always find a way.    

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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