the fight

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A/n Play the song when i tell you to

Ariels pov

You woke and saw bendy without a shirt , you blushed a got up , morning bendy , morning boris , you went to your bag and got changed in the bathroom

You woke and saw bendy without a shirt , you blushed a got up , morning bendy , morning boris , you went to your bag and got changed in the bathroom

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Auther pov

You came out and waited for bendy and boris you saw those two cup heads again they acted as if they were sad you couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about you creeped a little closer you , they were talking about talking about not wanting to kill bendy and boris and wished they could all be friends I was excited but not for long.....

Ariel pov

I felt a sharp pain everywhere I collapsed to the floor my hair was dripping , ink was coming out of my mouth. they saw me and panicked , bendy and boris heard my screams, there was ink everywhere it was bad ink coming out from the cuts my foster dad, ink was poring out of my eyes with my tears , ink came out of my mouth , I looked up at bendy , I didn't know what was happening I've never felt this way before. Boris came with a bucket , I tryed to speak , w-w-w hy a-am I f-f-feeling.......pain, I managed to speak out , y-you have it too?! Boris said crying , ha(cough) ve w-w-what?
The ink illness , bendy said , I've heard that before , I thought in my mind , boris cleaned me up , so did bendy , you all continued your journey .

Time skip

Author and ariel pov

You bendy and boris were going to clean up then he came back , miss me ? He said as he pinned bendy to the wall , BENDY!, I yelled out as cup placed his finger on bendy head as it glowed , the glowing stopped as he looked at you , bendy managed to get out of cup heads grip .your Demon part of you showed and you used you powers to make a shield in front of you, bendy and boris . You were able to keep it up a little longer while trying to open a portal to somewhere then all of a sudden a shot is heard, there's blood , I see the second one fall to the ground the other one putting his hands on his head and hears my shield go off .*play music*

he turns to me and point his finger at me. I close my eyes as I feel pain on my side . I scream loud , I fall to the ground, blood falling out of my wound bendy catching me . I transform back into my neko form bendy carries me bridal style away from the cup heads ,boris following us , then I blacked out

Time skip

I was walking down the street with bendy then the blue cup head grabs me to were I can't move , bendy looking at me with fear , I see the red one sneak behind bendy , I scream as bendy turns around and sees him then a shot is heard It hits bendy and he falls to the ground , I cry , then I transform and the blue one let's me go, I stay still looking at the ground then I walk the red one , my claws go through the red ones chest and he falls the ground , the blue one runs at me but i scratch him as i turn around, he bleeds out . I slowly walk twords bendy and carry him , I fall to my knees , scream out , BENDY!! I cry.....

Bendy pov

Boris was trying to escape when mug saw him and ran twords him then cup accidentally shot him , Ariels shield turned off and he heard looking at Ariel , then he lifted his finger pointing it at Ariel ,...oh no... I said ,she was shaking , then he shot her side , she let out a terrifying scream , I mumbled , she almost fell but I caught her and carried her to the hospital as boris followed me since her portal closed before we could get in ,

Time skip

I was waiting in the room that ariel was in , waiting for the nurses to come back , ariel started crying and started screaming my name , then she was transforming into her demon form , I got up from my seat and rushed to her bed then after a few minutes she turned back to her neko form she started crying and said , I'm s-sorry bendy . I started shaking her then she flung up from her bed she was looking around the room and looked me , your...your okay... she quickly huged me starting to cry , shhh its okay , I said , bendy ? Could you hold me? She asked, I blushed hard , s-sure , I said , I sat on her bed while she sat in my lap , I-I l-love you bendy. Please dont leave me .she said , I blushed harder , I couldn't help myself , I pinned her to the bed and started kissing her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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