Um ok yep

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It was an average day- except tonight was the full moon. Jeremy as always was locked in his college room reading the minds of every one that passed by. Michael had disappeared that morning, leaving a vague, scribbled note that he'd be back tomorrow. He did this every month, and even though Jeremy could read minds for some reason he couldn't read Michael's, which was the only reason he could stand being around him, no snooty inside comments about how he looked. At a knock on the dorm door, he looked up from the book- books were the one thing that distracted him from the swarming thoughts of others. Rich was at the door and he looked some what panicked, sweating heavily and with a crazed look in his eyes. What he said chilled Jeremy to the bone.... "Thomeone's been murdered." Jeremy's blood went cold. A murder?
    "What the f- when? Where?" He sputtered, somewhat terrified.
"In our clathroom, they said that she had claw markth all over her body." Rich spit out, trying to stop his shaking, "Her name is Chloe," Jeremy's stomach dropped. Chloe? The girl from high school? The girl who he almost got in bed with?
"Holy shit... That's- I- What do they say it's from? Whodunnit?" He asked, reluctantly waiting for an answer.    
"A wild animal's. They thay the claw marks are- are like a wolf'th." Jeremy stood up and reached for his blue jacket. Rich looked at him, confused. "Where're you going?" Jeremy turned and looked him in the eye.
"I'm going to find Michael-it's not safe for him out there right now." Rich looked at Jeremy with alarm, though he already knew what Rich was thinking. He had been crushing on Jeremy ever since high school, and right now, his exact thoughts were "There's no chance of me getting anywhere near him...".

Jeremy swore he could have hear someone say something about leaving and something about a crush- but with all the rest of the voices in his head, who could tell? He grabbed his car keys and rushed out of the small room, Rich on his heels.
"Rich stay here, you don't need to come, go and do whatever you normally do. I'll go find him" Rich looked like a lost puppy but obeyed Jeremy's orders and ran off to his dorm, only to find that his apartment had been torn up by some sort of animal that he couldn't identify. He sank to his knees and took out his phone.
"Jake? Uh, yeah, I need your help, meet me at the dorm."

Jeremy sprinted down into the parking lot and into his car. He was search through the wave of thoughts, looking for anyone who had seen Michael, but unfortunately all he could hear was the chatter of the people who were absolutely scared out of their minds, buzzing with anticipation and worry. He drove for about ten minutes before his 'piece of junk' car died and he had to go on foot. He hopped out of the car and walked on. A rustle in the bushes made him jump, but only a squirrel jumped out of the leafy brush. He shuddered and walked on. He made sure to avoid the body as it would be troubling to hear everyone's thoughts speculating who done it. He turned into the woods, trying to get away from the commotion. He collapsed in a desolate clearing, lit by the setting rust-colored sun. He heard the thoughts of a couple approaching, and decided to move further into the forest. Before he heard their thoughts, they saw a red-hoodied kid crying on a park bench huddled up, Jeremy sprang up and bolted towards the direction they thought of. As expected he found Michael there- his hoodie in shreds, hanging loosely on his skinny frame. He looked up at Jeremy, terrified, before jumping the back of the bench and dashing into the forlorn woods. Jeremy stopped to catch his breath prior to chasing after Michael luckily Michael was slow very slow, Jeremy jumped at him but tripped over a rock just as Michael slipped behind a tree. Jeremy swore he could have seen the boys frame shift and grow larger before he completely disappeared.
Jeremy skinned his nose and right above his eye, his contact fell out revealing his mismatched green eye. He sat up, defeated. But what that weird shifting had been, he couldn't place. Jeremy bent down trying to find his contact while trying to figure out what had just happened eventually when it started to rain so he  went home, staring at the ground out of embarrassment. Not even Michael knew of his mismatched eyes. At home he found nothing had changed. He fell onto his bed, realizing there was something big and furry next to him. Something big and furry and breathing.
He freaked out and leapt out of his bed but soon realized it was just rich in his lion onesie. Jeremy glared at him and stepped into the bathroom, a familiar voice echoing at the back of his mind. Rich was having THE dream again, Jeremy hated hearing this dream. "What the hell," said a  multiplied voice. Jeremy spun around. It was Bill Cipher, floating in the air, staring at him intently. Jeremy squared down closing his eyes shaking, he had a bad experience with this dream a while back it was traumatic for him. As he backed away from BIll, he realized he wasn't alone. Throwing open the shower curtain, he found Mike Faist sleeping in the tub. Was this even his apartment?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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