30th of September 2017

138 14 1

Rye🐝❤: Angela wants me to smile more

Mikey👾❤: I agree with her😌

Rye🐝❤: I dont know :( my smile is pretty ugly though 😅

Mikey👾❤: No it isnt

Mikey👾❤: Ryan

Mikey👾❤: Why are you bringing yourself the whole time down?

Mikey👾❤: And now you and your pretty ass are gonna tell me where the fuck you are bc we all are goddamned worried bout ya

Rye🐝❤: Im waiting for something xx

Mikey👾❤: For what

Mikey👾❤: ?

Mikey👾❤: Like you left without telling Angela

Mikey👾❤: And now Jip and Amber are on their way to the flat bc I guess she's so damned worried

Mikey👾❤: What if she's crying?

Rye🐝❤: no pls not 😰




Mikey👾❤: NOW

Rye🐝❤: Easy

Rye🐝❤: easy

Rye🐝❤: calm down

Rye🐝❤: I'll be home soon x

Mikey👾❤: Just tell us where you are

Mikey👾❤: Like

Mikey👾❤: Nobody can ever discribe how worried we all are

Mikey👾❤: If I'm home I'm gonna search for you if you're not home

Rye🐝❤: You could better stay home, cause what if you walk the opposite direction of me...

Mikey👾❤: And what if I dont?

Mikey👾❤: Rye

Mikey👾❤: Just tell me where you are

Mikey👾❤: I wont tell the others

Mikey👾❤: I promise

Rye🐝❤: Mikey

Rye🐝❤: just shut up

Rye🐝❤: you're destroying something

Mikey👾❤: What is wrong with you?

Rye🐝❤: nothing x

Mikey👾❤: I'm pretty sure there is something wrong

Mikey👾❤: You know you can tell me everyting

Rye🐝❤: no Im fine

Rye🐝❤: I know

Mikey👾❤: I feel so not okay rn

Rye🐝❤: but theres nothing

Rye🐝❤: No Mikey

Rye🐝❤: why

Rye🐝❤: sup?

Mikey👾❤: You said I'm destroying something,, theres something wrong with you and you wont tell me,, you left without telling where you going or telling you were leaving,, how could I be okay then?

Mikey👾❤: How tf can I be okay if one of my best friends is doing something like this

Mikey👾❤: Rye,, I love you,, I really do,, but I just dont understand whats going on in your mind

Rye🐝❤: Sorry Mikey, I dknt want anyone to see my ugliness atm

Mikey👾❤: Did you cry?

Mikey👾❤: What did you do?

Mikey👾❤: Youre not ugly

Mikey👾❤: 😭😭❤

Rye🐝❤: i am

Rye🐝❤: trust me

Mikey👾❤: Youre not Ryan

Mikey👾❤: Youre fucking not



Mikey👾❤: I miss the boy who ways laughed,, who always was weird,, who liked and loved himself for who he was,, who didnt care what others thought about him and who was always himself

Mikey👾❤: Where the hell is that Ryan Leonard Beaumont go?

Rye🐝❤: nvr existed

Rye🐝❤: Im still myself except the fact that im feeling different x

Rye🐝❤: Wtf Im not Mikeh xx

Mikey👾❤: It existed,, ot fucking existed

Rye🐝❤: it nvr did

Mikey👾❤: Just that you know,, I think youre perfect and I know there are others who think that as well

Mikey👾❤: But I cant change you

Mikey👾❤: How bad I want to

Mikey👾❤: I just want you to be happy😞

Rye🐝❤: Dont wrry Mikey

Rye🐝❤: we all have these ups and downs

Rye🐝❤: i'll be fine x

Rye🐝❤: and im on my way home x

Mikey👾❤: Want you to know I'm always there for you

Mikey👾❤: Imma shoulder you can cry on

Mikey👾❤: And I'm someone to rely on

Mikey👾❤: See you in a few babe❤

Rye🐝❤: Thank bro, same to you x

Rye🐝❤: yh see ya in a few

Mikey👾❤: ❤❤

Rye🐝❤: xx

Mikey👾❤: xo

Rye🐝❤: xx

Mikey👾❤: Ryan

Mikey👾❤: Where r u?

Mikey👾❤: You said you should be home quick

Mikey👾❤: But you arent home yet

What Are We? ~ A Rykey story❤Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu