ruthless love( Jeff the killer love story)

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It was a rainy Friday,I was walking home from school as I looked up at the swirling gray clouds that threatened for thunder. The whole way home I felt eyes on, like someone was there,following me. I shrugged the feeling away dismissively and kept walking. Not to long after my thought,I heard and voice whisper in my ear. The voice was hoarse and shaky. Those three words he said sent chills through out my body,even in the large overcoat

jacket my mother had given me, he told me in a low whisper like growl, "Go.To.Sleep" he held a knife up to my knife and I freaked. Kicking and screaming, squirming to get out of his possessive grip. I punched him with every force in my body, it landed on his wrist. He didn't seem to notice,or,maybe he noticed but it didn't hurt. I fell to the floor with a loud "bang" and was blacking out when I saw my attacker come closer to my half awake-half dead body and pick it up and walk in the direction of the woods.

When I awoke several hours later, I was in an unfamiliar room. I looked around to see I was in a bed, and next to me in a chair that stood against the bed was my attacker. I stood there in shock and frozen in terror. "Why am I here?"- " how am I still alive?" Were questions that seemed to repeat in my head like the swirling thunder clouds from earlier. I was deep in thought until I heard him talk. "Umm hi Janie." He said to me. I looked at him surprised at how he knew my name. " H-how do you know name?" I asked. He laughed a demonic laugh that made me scream in fear. He stopped, and stared at me for what seemed like forever. "What?" I asked. He seemed taken back by this. " oh, nothing." Was all I got out of him. " can I go home now?" "No" "why not?" He shrugged and looked at me like I was insane. " You know why you can't go home, you would just call the cops on me." I shook my head no in response, even though I could clearly tell we both knew I would.

He shrugged and said I could leave if I wanted. I looked at him like he was crazy. What kind of serial killer kidnaps Someone and then lets them go with out even a scratch on them? " You can go, but, you won't get very far. You'll actually get hurt since you don't know the way around the forest." He said. " what does it matter to you if I get hurt? You're kinda a serial killer if you've forgotten." I replied a bit to harsh than I meant to. He chuckled barely even audible. " well you see...I don't care if get hur-" "Then why am I here?!?" I interrupted him. He didn't look happy that I did. He got up and yanked a fistful of my hair and threw my limp body to the ground, still holding onto my hair he bent down next to me and whispered into my ear " Don't interrupt me,okay?". I nodded my head slowly, trying to cause as little pain as possible. It didn't work. Pain shot up through out my whole head, causing me to black out for the second time this morning.

When I awoke for the second time, I opened my eyes to see my face buried in something white. I push my head away, only to find it being pushed back in. "Shhh, stop moving Janie. I'm trying to finish bandaging your head" " My head wouldn't need to be bandaged if didn't try to give me brain damage you know." He gently pushed my head back far enough so we could see each other's faces. "Don't you think I know that, little one?" He said. "I'm not that small" I replied back, trying to hold back the embarrassment I was feeling. " Yeah, I know. you might wanna get some rest before your head starts to hurts again. "No. I want to get to know you." I argued. "why would you want to know about someone like me?" He asked actually sounding shocked this time. "Well," I began. "You only did kidnap me, nearly gave me brain damage, bandaged then up, and now you want me to sleep? On your bed?" I told him. He raised his hands In surrender. " Okay,okay. you win. I'll tell you. first of all, my name is Jeff, Jeff the killer. ummm, I kill people for fun. Annnnddd, I kidnapped you. sooo...that makes me the boss of you. "What?!? No it does not!" He looked irritated, but I didn't care, I was too.In one quick movement he had his knife out and up to my throat. "Okay,you're the boss." I gave in.

ruthless love( Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now