스물 하나(Day 1 pt.4)

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Eun Bi's POV:
~Flash Back when Eun Bi was 5 years old~

"Eomma I'm going swimming!!!" I shouted as I waved my hand at her

"Okay be careful arachi?" She shouted back and I nodded

"Ne Eomma" I said and I hold tighter at my float (A.N: You know that circle thing that kids bring to pools, thy used it to float)

"Weee~" I said and jump into the pool which has 7 feet

"Oh Yeoboseyo?" I saw Eomma on the phone and I sighed

'Maybe it's the loan sharks again' I thought and saw Eomma frowned, suddenly I lose grip on my float and I started to sink

"Eomma!!" I shouted as I was drowning in water

"Eomma!!!" I shouted again and I took my last breath

'Eomma' I thought and sink to the bottom of the pool

~End of Flashback~

I open my eyes and saw an unfamilair ceiling, this isn't Baekhyun and I's room who's is this? When I look at my side I saw a grayish hair, I smiled and ruffled the hair. the person raise his head with a smile across his face

"Bibi~" He said and hug me, I was shock Chanyeol suddenly hug me but reply eventually

"Why were you at the bottom of the pool?" He asked as he broke the hug 

"Someone told me that I have Percy Jackson's power to breathe under water so I decided to try of course I drown Channie~" I said and he busted into laughter

"Mianhe but you don't know how to swim how could you go into the pool by yourself without your *cough cough* Fiancee" He said and I sighed

"Okay but please don't tell Baekhyun about this arachi?" I said and he nodded, I told what happen awhile ago with Sulli and I 

"That bit-" I cut him off by pinching his lips

"I told you don't curse right? and please don't tell Baekhyun about this arachi? Or I'm going to kill you" I said and his face started to get red

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" I said and he pointed at his lips

"Oh yeah mian" I smiled and he pinch my cheeks

"Kaja let's get some food I'm hungry waiting for you to wake up~" He said and and nodded

"Me too I'm hungry" I said and he smiled

"Kaja" He let go of my cheeks and I massage it

"Apa~" I whined and he suddenly kiss my cheeks

"What is that about?" I asked and he smiled

"You said it hurts a kiss will heal it" I laugh at his words what is he 5?

"What are you 5?" I asked and he pouted

"Let's just go I'm hungry"I nodded and we went out of his room and headed down stairs

"What do you wan-" I was cut off when someone called my name

"Eun Bi?" I turn around and saw Baekhyun with a very angry face

"Baekhyun?" I said and he raise his left brow

"I thought your going to meet someone by someone you said it was not him" He said and I look down, I can't tell him or he'll freak out

"Mianh-" I was cut off by Channie

"Yeah she hang out with me" Channie said and my eyes widen

'No, no it will only make the situation worst!' I thought and Baekhyun's eyes widen

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