chapter one

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Life had always been pretty good. I'm at that stage in my life where nothing is really going wrong; per se, but there are quite a few bumps in the road. School, friends, the whole affair. You can guess what it's like being a fourteen-year-old that's just started high school. But, most importantly, I had never had a reason to second-guess my family.

Well, until today.

It had been an average day at school, one like many others, where I was sat wondering how close I would get to just throwing the towel in. After a tremendously long bus ride, and plans to just go home and sleep- not that it was any different from the usual- I noticed something was off. My sister had been acting fine, it was just something about my parents that I couldn't quite spot.

My mom, Jennifer just gave a half-hearted shrug after I asked how her day went, which took me by surprise. She would always give me a long, detailed response about how her day went at the Marachichi Lodge. It even would last for sometimes up to an hour, depending on how bad the day went. I shrugged it off, we all have our off-days, I guess.

She was avoiding my eyes, looking everywhere else. She seemed extremely agitated, which was quite unusual for my normally laid-back mother. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I had a feeling that she would just brush me off again.

I shrugged it off, telling myself that if something was really wrong, she would tell me so. I looked over to my father, Bradley, only to see that he too was avoiding eye contact. I didn't like this, I didn't like this one bit.

I was always close to my parents and my sister. This, along with many other things, made their avoidance of eye contact, even more suspicious. Since I was very young, I was said to be very sociable and kind towards others, explaining my abundance of friends.

"Mom, Dad?" I finally decided to speak up, "What's going on?" I asked them.

My parents shared a look of uneasiness, which made my stomach twist in worry. I didn't know what to expect, but it couldn't possibly be too bad. Jennifer and Bradley Black weren't exactly involved in anything shady.

Or were they?

My parents were also very private people, which made it hard for me to judge. Did they live double lives? I wouldn't know.

My mother cleared her throat. It seemed that have been determined in their silent conversation that my mother was going to do the talking.

"Kaydence," She began, shifting in her seat in discomfort, "you know we love you. We love you so much, sweetheart."

I furrowed my eyebrows. This did not seem like it was going well. I tried to think back to everything I had ever done that could have made them angry. After a little while of debating, nothing that deemed this serious atmosphere necessary came to mind. "What?" I asked, still thoroughly confused.

"We meant to tell you this a long time ago," My mother beginned to stammer, explaining herself cautiously. "It just never came up in conversation, and to us, it didn't change anything,"

"What is it?" I snapped, feeling uncomfortable being the only one present in this room that was confused. I softed after I witnessed my mother's heartbroken look. I sigh heavily. "Just... tell me."

"Kady," She sighed, calling me by my long-held nickname, looking sadly towards my father. "Your father and I decided it's time to tell you that you're adopted."

The words that was spoken next by either one of them passed right over my head. It had to be a joke. It had to be. This was more than a secret, this was hiding my entire life from me. Shaking my head, I realized as much as I wanted to believe it was a joke-- there was absolutely no way it was.

"You're lying," I said, trying to convince myself that this was some sort of twisted prank they decided to pull.

My father looked ashamed, and I then realized, the Black family had gone to shambles. My mother tried in a desperate attempt to console me, but they both knew that I was beyond furious. Not only at the aspect of being adopted, but the fact they didn't have the respect to tell me all these years. That's what hit me the most.

I raced out of the room, trying my best to not look back into the eyes of two truly disgusting liars. Anger was one of the only things I could feel right now, but also, there was a hint of curiosity. If Jennifer and Bradley Black were not my real parents, then who was it? There was nothing that ever lead me to believe I was adopted to begin with.

After a bit of consideration after slamming my bedroom door shut tight, I decided they had probably died long ago. If not, they would've tried to at least contact me by now. Or, I'd hope so.

I lied down on my bed, contemplating my life decisions. Should I really be this angry at my parents? Too many thoughts at once, and too many things to think about.

After pacing around my room one or two hundread times, I leave my room and find myself having a long-awaited conversation with Jennifer. Apparently, my biological parents had put me up for adoption when I was only a baby because of the sheer fact that they were unable to take care of me at such a young age. It made sense, and the frustration didn't leave, but it definitely mellowed.

"So," I speak up, after my mother had finished explaining the story from top to bottom. "Why'd you tell me today?"

She sighed, hesitating for a few moments. "Your biological father wants to meet you."



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