Part 3

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The next few weeks are pretty awkward to say the least.

I don't want it to be awkward, but I saw something that not a lot of people have seen and neither of us can unlive those moments.

Why did you listen to Blondie but not the other names? I think while laying on my bed, staring at my navy ceiling.

I gnaw on the inside of my cheek trying to figure out my current problem. Over the years I've chewed on my cheek so much I don't feel it anymore. I wonder if that's happened to Alice from biting his lip so much. His lips. God those lips. The way his golden curls hug his temples. And those eyes I love those eyes.

"Shit." I say under my breath. "Not again." I hit myself in the forehead with the heal of my hand. I pinch the bridge of my nose and breath in deeply. "You promised yourself not to do this to yourself again. "You used to have friends," I chuckle," remember that?" I give myself a small smile. I let a single tear run down my cheek, cliché I know. "You used to have friends before him." I let out a long hard sigh. "Yeah."

* * *

Once again, I realize my next class is my last class. Alicio is in that class. I honestly consider skipping class, but I decide against it because that would just make people more interested in my shit. Why do people have to always want to know my shit!? I work my jaw.

"Someone seems tense." Crane my neck to face the owner of the familiar voice. He has the beginnings of a smirk but his tone was weak. I sigh and for the fist time in a long time, I smile. He's actually trying to talk to me.

"Hi." This catches him off guard. He looks confused.

"What? No snarky comments? No sarcastic come back? Am I taking to the right person?" He looks like he might actually think that he is talking to the wrong person.

"Well, who are you trying to contact?" I internally screech with how gullible he is.

"Um. . . Lukas." He bites his lip, clearly unsure. "Oh. You didn't hear? He moved, to Florida." I say like its common knowledge. "How far away is that?" He pulls at the hem of his t-shirt. "From Minnesota to Florida?" He nods. "Its across the country. So, pretty far." He looks like all spirit has left his body. He lowers his head and his eyes start to water.

I chuckle, and grab his wrist to turn him around. "Jesus, what is with you and crying?" He looks up. " And how have you forgotten what I look like after just a couple weeks?"


short chapter.

writers block

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