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Hello :D I'm new around here so guidance is throughly welcomed and Im very awkward right now so I hope you like this story :~)

Chapter 1:

“This is it, isn’t it?”

“I’m sorry it’s just never going to work out”

“I love you”

“I’m sorry Lilia I just can’t do this anymore”

He dropped the phone and I felt so numb, the world turned so oblivious to me.

I knew even if he stayed it would such a great big lie we both knew soon it was going to end. The endless effort of trying to make things work, changing myself for him, the long distanced relationship and the vast difference on our age it was just too much for him.

For both of us.

Every fibre of my being felt paralyzed. I couldn’t do nothing more than moan and cry. My heart hurts.

I felt like a big part of me just died inside. How I badly wished on that moment that I would wake up and this was really just a bad dream. I prayed. I got so really weak to the point where I felt like my heart just got ripped off. For a second there I just felt like collapsing maybe, never even waking up. I was repulsed by myself. For every second that would pass I would even be scared of letting myself think. Giving freedom to myself to even let it slip.

The thoughts are coming. What other choice do I have? I know him his decisions are always final and even though I still begged and begged as if I was going to be left stranded alone in this world. With people, eww.

It seemed forever. I was scared of living, thinking or even breathing. Because when he was there everything was okay I had something to believe in now I have nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

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