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Hey guys.....well this is awkward. I haven't touched this story (or any of my stories) in forever. I have been mostly reading these past- how long has it been now?- three years or so and time seemed to have slipped away from me. However, I plan to finally take a break from reading and focus on what I came here (on this site) to do six years ago: write.

Now, to start off, I need to redo or "re-vamp" (hehehe) the story. That means I'll be staring at the beginning and edit from there. Because I have to be honest with myself, it reeeeaaaallllllyyyyy needs it; like MAJORLY. I started writing this story for a reason and it seems to have gotten off track (hints the editing). Luckily for me, I only have seven chapters to edit and not, like, 20. Unluckily for you, if you are starting to read's going to look like crap until all the published chapters are done editing. Soooo, sorry and please don't give up on the book!

I can't promise anything. I'm not going to either because I probably wont be able to keep the promises. I'm in my third year of college (I started this book back when I was in high school) and I work part time (but I'm constantly scheduled the full time hours >:(.... ) so I don't have a lot of time. Which is why I am taking a break from reading; to make time to write.

If you see this at the beginning of the chapter:

*****************************NOT EDITED*************************

It means that if you dare read it, you probably wont be able to understand what the heck is going on. I would suggest not reading the chapter until it is done beginning edited.

If you see nothing at the beginning of the chapter, it means that it has been edited and you should be able to read and follow the plot just fine.

So, I'm going to leave now. I have class in about thirty minutes and I need to print off an essay. Bye!

Vampire GirlWhere stories live. Discover now