Chapter 2~The Box

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****************NOT EDITED*************

Hey guys,

Thank you guys so much for reading! I know I gave you guys a lot of info in the last chapter. So today will kind of be a little slow on all the vampire info and such. With that being said enjoy!

Oh and this chapter goes to Lilystone3 for being the first to add this story to her reading list!

Thanks so much Lily!

Chapter  2- The box

song-Lips of an angel

"Come on boy." I said to Spongebob as he sniffed a tree, then a pach of grass, and then a rock. We had been out here for what had seemed like hours. The sun had long past set and the stars were nowhere to be seen in the sky, making the night cold and very dark. So dark that the trees blended together in a mass of smired shapes.

I was feeling flightly, a need to be some where- anywhere- that is safer than here in the dark. Much to my dissapointment ,Spongebob did not feel the same and had desided to take as long as he could. Dark shapes seem to fly behind the vail of trees, my heart jumping in my chest, much faster than it should.

"Spongebob, lets head back home." I said while tuging on his lesh. With him being three time my size and the detreaination of a pit bull Vampdog, (what could never be a match I could take) started to drag me further in to the woods that surrounded our house.The woods were a familar place in the sunny summer days, when Leo and I played games of tag and hide-n-go seek; but now it was a dark, unforgiving place that had the shadows chasing me with every step I took.

Spongebob lead me deeper and deeper in to the forest till I had lost my barings and my fear had grown taller than I am. I may be a vampire, but even we have fears; mine just hapepened to be the dark (how childish of me, I know).

When we had reached what I was pretty sure was the heart of the woods, Spongebob froze in a protective stance in front of me. He growled as the shapes in the trees raced around us in a circle, I trimbled as Spongebob moved to a step forward, then jumped in to the trees and out of the clearing.

"No! Spongebob, come back!" I yelled after my only chance to get home safely, before casting a nervous glance at the trees around me. I let out a little whimper as the shapes began to circle around me faster. I tried to keep my eyes on the darting figures as they weaved though the trees and twisted. Crackles emerged from my sourndings.

I had somehow forgotten the result of spinning is dizzyness, because as I gave up on trying to keep an eye on the quick shadows, I felt the world spin faster as I clasped on the ground. Covering my head with my arms, I curled in a small ball before the laughing started to slow to a stop.

The grass rusled in front of me, a hand was placed on top of my head before I started to shake like a leaf."Hush child, there is nothing to be afriad of. The race had begun, good luck."

I heard the footsteps sound and as they grew smaller and smaller, as they did so did my fear. After a few minutes I lifted my head up and saw that they were gone. In their place was Spongebob, with a new chew toy.

"Where were you? You missed all the excitement and where did you get that? " I said while petting his soft fur. All I got back was a slobery kiss and a bark.

I looked around to see if I could remeber how to get home when Spongebob whined and nuged my arm. Looking down, I saw that there was a small box wrapped in gift paper and a red bow. Picking up the box, I saw that there was a note attached.


"Dear Cassandra,

     Do not open till your 16th birthday

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