Chapter One - Amber

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“Don’t you dare say a word or I will tell everyone about how you like to watch Spongebob!” I shouted at Amber, my girlfriend.

            “Well now everyone knows!” she screamed back. “I guess I can now tell everyone about how you murdered Cynthia!”

            “Great job you two!” Mr. Granger cut in. “Thank you for your wonderful acting. You both may go back to your seat now."

            Amber and I actually were dating, which helped a lot with the acting. We were definitely much nicer to each other, though. However, Amber was the only person I had ever been truly nice to. I had pretended to be mean on the outside to hold up reputation as a heartless jock, to keep bullies away. Over time, I became mean on the inside. Amber was the sole person who could bring back the old Spencer Flynn.

            Later that day at lunch, I heard, surprisingly, a few guys talking about a jealous girl. Normally, I ignore gossip like that, but my ears perked up when I heard the name “Amber”. There was only one Amber in this school: my Amber Mear.

            “Did you hear Nicole? She said she would kill to be in Amber’s place,” whispered a low voice.

            My eyebrows shot up at that. Kill? I sure hope not. As if reading my mind, the guy confirmed my worst fears.

            “It’s true! Everyone knows I don’t lie about this kind of stuff,” said the voice. Now I knew who this was: Tell-The-Truth-Tom. He’s never lied about anything! He was trustable in that way, but he was untrustable in that he could never keep a secret. I heard him continue whispering to others, but their voices were too low for me to hear anymore.

            I better watch out for Amber without her knowing. I didn’t want to upset her, but she was bound to find out eventually. I wanted her to hear it from me, not from gossip and rumors! Should I tell her? Should I not? I don’t know what to do! I ran out of the school and spent the rest of the day taking a lengthy shower and snacking on Nutella in an attempt to calm myself down.

            The next morning, I woke up determined to figure out who made the threats against Amber. I took a recorder with me as I left the empty house for the bus so I could potentially record the person’s confession. So far, all I knew was that her name was Nicole, and that she was a sophomore. Amber and I were seniors and had classes in the senior hallway, but that didn’t stop me from sneaking out of class under the excuse of using the bathroom. With a hall pass in hand, I walked down the grey sophomore’s hallway. I spotted a cheerleader at a classroom door, pouting at it. I guessed Nicole would be on the cheer team. She’s pretty popular among the sophomores, and I think I’ve heard the words “Nicole” and “cheerleader” used together often.

            “I hate social studies anyways!” hollered the cheerleader.

            “Hey! Do you happen to know who Nicole is? Nicole Brown?” I found her last name from a yearbook entry from last year. Surprisingly, there was only one Nicole in the entire school!

            “That’d be mee!” she said, batting her eyelashes at me. “How can I help you, my dear Spencer?”

            “Just stop. It’s rather stalkerish of you to know my name. And I’m taken. Now, please tell me, why were you threatening to kill my girlfriend?” I questioned coldly without emotion, while also discreetly turning on the recorder on.

            “Oh, that ugly trash that passes for a girl? I don’t even know what you see in her. Anyways, isn’t she sick at home today?” she said with an evil smile creeping on her face. My stomach churned in worry. How does she know that? Amber doesn’t have any classes with Nicole.

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