Me and senpai were practicing swimming again, like we did everyday after school. I would usually time senpai while watching him swim, then I'd usually help him and tell him things he might've screwed up on. I have to be careful though, because sometimes senpai will get mad and yell but I've gotten used to it.
Anyways, today it was Friday after school. I walked to the pool besides senpai holding a bag in my hand with a few towels, senpai's goggles and my stopwatch. Senpai had his swim shorts under his clothes like always. When we arrived I sighed and looked around no one was at the school pool which was odd because usually on Friday there was a lot of people from the swim team here. I guess not today. I dropped our stuff in the locker room and took off my clothes- which I had my swim shorts under. I pulled out senpai's goggles and my stopwatch. "okay, senpai. let's try to beat last weeks score~!" I said happily, looking up at him.
Rin nodded and looked down at me, "alright. let's go." he muttered, grabbing his goggles and walking out to the pool. I followed after him, smiling. He stood by the pool and I held the stopwatch up. "Ready...set go!" I watched senpai dive into the pool, the bottom pressed as soon as I pressed go. I smiled and watched him, he was going fast faster than I could ever go. He touched the edge and went over the water, I pressed stop and went to him. He pulled the goggles off and pushed his bangs back. I giggled, "senpai...your time was..7 seconds exactly!" he sighed and frowned, "I need to go faster." I tilted my head, "isn't that fast enough, senpai?" I asked, he shook his head. "no. not even close!" he said, lifting himself up from the pool. I sighed and nodded.
After about an hour we had finished and I went to the locker room. I pulled my clothes back on, putting the things away. Senpai grabbed a towel and dried himself off, I glanced over and caught a glimpse of senpai with no clothes on. I felt my cheeks heat up, I immediately looked away and sighed, he pulled on his clothes. "let's go." he said, walking out. I nodded and grabbed the duffle bag and walked back to our dorms.
Soon we arrived and I plopped the bag down and fell down onto his bed. I sighed, "its getting late senpai..." he nodded, "yeah. it is " I sat up, "can I sleep down here with you senpai?" I asked, blushing lightly. he sighed and mumbled. "fine..but only tonight." He was blushing lightly. I giggled and nodded, going to my clothes and grabbed a shirt with a shark on it and blue in the background. also some shorts. I quickly changed and crawled into his bed. Senpai had changed into pajamas also, crawling next to me. "good night.." he muttered. I lay down and cuddled into his back slightly. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off, not noticing senpai's arms around me. I fell asleep, and so did senpai soon after.

Alone at the Pool- (Rin x Nitori {free!} )
RomanceThe picture is from Tumblr, rintori tag I believe. Its from the anime Free! Iwatobi swim club Please don't read if you don't like boy x boy and/or yaoi.