Chapter 2

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   I woke up early in the morning like always, still laying next to senpai. I blushed lig huhtly and cuddled into his chest slightly, hoping he wouldn't see or wake up. I yawned and slowly sat up, Rin groaned softly and wrapped his arms around my waist. My cheeks immediately turned a dark pink, I slowly pulled him off. "Matsuoka-senpai..wake up.." I mumbled, looking out the window and sighing softly. I heard senpai's phone ring and crawled off the bed and went to his phone. It was Makoto . I smiled and answered, "hello?" I asked, Makoto answered with, "eh? is this Nitori?" he asked, I giggled softly and nodded. "yeah~!" I said happily, "well wake..Rin up. He promised he'd go swimming with us!" I smiled softly, "okay. bye" "bye~" then I hung up. I lightly shook senpai looking down at him. "wake up~"I said softly until he slowly opened his eyes. " eh? w-why...its too early.." he muttered, I smiled. "Makoto called! You promised to go swimming with him!

     Rin sighed and sat up, going to the bathroom. I heard the water turn on and I sighed, laying down onto the bed. 'I wish I could go with senpai..' I thought to myself, sighing softly.  I watched Rin leave and sat on the floor, grabbing a book and reading it. I fell asleep after about an hour.

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