Chapter Two

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Classes suck.


I must tell you dear reader. First day back: Fun. Saw my friends make out in front of a teacher, saw a friend on sugar high dance on top of a table. Those dear reader, those things are fun.

Sitting in a classroom listening to your teacher talk on and on for what felt like eternity: not fun.

No, first day was not fun.

Classes suck.


Now, by the time that we had finally finished first period, several things had happened during that one class.

Kim and Brenton had the same schedule originally, and even got seated next to each other. But APPARENTLY the lecture wasn't exciting enough for them. So OF COURSE that's the perfect time for them to start having a heated make out session in the back of the classroom.

During class.

So when they got sent to the principal's office, ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, they got the exact opposite schedule.

Honestly, I don't even know anymore why I'm friends with them.

And THEN Stacie's sugar high fell and she crashed.


She fell off her chair and crashed on the floor. Dead asleep. I think I honestly was the only one who attempted to pay attention through the entire class.

All in all, classes were pretty funny. However, still. Classes suck.

And that now brings us to present time, where I am about 10 seconds away from being head first on my desk, drool coming out of my mouth and dreaming about shooting down my physics teacher.

Hey... don't judge... not all of us care about how you just got dumped. Honestly... school isn't to bore your students by talking about your relationship problems. We really don't care.

And I don't WANT to kill her. It's just that if someone handed me a machine gun and left me in a room alone with her and said no matter what they wouldn't call the police, I probably wouldn't pass up the opportunity.

 My face hit the desk and I stared down at the pale brown desk with carvings in it, and I honestly actually thought; what WOULD happen if I fell asleep?

Later on in class I DID fall asleep, and I got detention for a week, so yeah. Guess I will find out what it is like.

When the bell rang I honestly couldn't wait to leave. I jumped up, grabbed my books, and made a bolt for the door. Heath was already standing by the door, his binder in hand and smiling at me. Warmth rushed though me and we matched pace and walked side by side down the hallway.

"So....?" He asked, trailing off at the end and gesturing me to talk. I sighed.

"Kim and Brenton got caught having a heated make out session and already got sent to the principal's office, Stacie already crashed from her sugar high, and I already got detention. You?" Heath cracked a smile before sighing.

"Well lucky for you, I also got detention." I laughed.

"Thanks. What did you do?" Heath looked over at me before looking forward again and smirked.

"Sure you wanna know?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Should I be scared?" Heath shrugged.

"Nah, I just made a 'that's what she said' joke during biology." I snickered.

"What was the sentence?"

"You place it here and shove it in there over and over again." Heath said with a straight face. I bent over snickering.

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