Chapter Three

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Breathing sucks.


You know what sucks? When you are laughing at something really funny and then you end up breathing in too much and you’re all like “AHHH” and look like a dying whale. That sucks.

Because there you are, sitting there looking stupid and generally like an all around idiot while everyone around you is staring at you and EVERYTHING gets REALLLLY uncomfortable.

Yeah well, that didn’t actually happen to me, but something like that did.

So breathing in general just sucks.


I was jogging beside Stacie in gym class while she was complaining next to me. What about you ask?

Her mother had found her secret candy stash.

Yeah, I thought that it wasn’t that big of a deal. Stacie could just go out and buy some more, but NOOOOOO. Apparently she couldn’t and this was ‘legit the worst thing ever in her entire life.’

And then our teacher caught us talking and so our entire class was sentenced to EXTRA jogging for the rest of the class period. Honestly, I think that if we weren’t popular and friends with the jocks, I’m pretty sure I would have been stabbed at least six times by now. And that’s excluding death glares. Include those and I’d be six feet under.

Yeah. Today was just FABULOUS.

Please note the sarcasm.

“Why would she do that?!?!?”  Stacie whined while we jogged. I personally couldn’t care less. In fact I was probably about one step away from stuffing my ears with wax. But I had zoned out while she was talking, so I don’t know if she was going on still about the candy or the jogging.

Knowing her though, it was probably the candy.

“Stacie, what are you talking about again?” I asked passively, taking deep breaths and continued jogging, slowing down slightly as Stacie started to pant a little.

“MY CANDY!!!!” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t know, maybe because you do random stuff whenever you get your hands on sugar? I think your mom has a point Stacie.” She glared at me.

“Gee, some kinda best friend you are.” I rolled my eyes again.

“Gee, some kinda idiot you are. I mean where the heck did you hide it?” She looked down at the grass.

“Erm… I really didn’t hide it.” I raised my eyebrows.


“I didn’t… really… hide it?” She said, avoiding eye contact with me. I let out a deep sigh.

“Stacie, you really are an idiot.” She glared at me and started running off. “Wait, Stacie! Stacie come back please!” I started running after her, but she just ran faster. “Stacie!” I called, but my breathing alone hurt and I gasped a little, but pushed it aside. “STACIE!” I ran faster, the pressure on my chest building up more. I stumbled and suddenly I couldn’t breathe. I collapsed on the ground, coughing and trying to find air. Stacie turned around and gasped.

“EZRIE!!” She ran back towards me and lifted my head before she started to cry. “SOMEONE! HELP MEEEE!!! CALL THE HOSPITAL!!!!” People swarmed me and I tried to look around, but my eyes started to feel heavy and they drifted closed.


“Doctor, how serious is it?” It was my mother’s voice, it sounded scratchy, almost like she had just been crying. I tried to open my eyes but they remained shut. There was a silence, before a man responded.

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