Sweet Dreams (Are made of this)

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I'm laying in bed with a boiling mug of green tea, a super comfy twenty one pilots hoodie and Marylin Manson blasting in the background. Weird but perfect combination. 

What are sweet dreams made of though? Music, concerts, people, art...?  Or pink clouds, rainbows, unicorns and candy? My sweet dreams would probably generate from a black and dark red cloud, covered in dead sunflowers and blood-stained rose petals. I'm a weirdo.

I wish we could choose what we dream.  When I was seven or eight I thought that every single human and animal mind had a "magic book of dreams": if you were able to work out the secret code and open the book, you would be able to choose and manipulate your dreams. I still believe in this... there must be some way to control our dreams. God... I'm so naive.

Have you ever tried to roll your eyes and be scared of what you didn't see? That's kinda poetic I think... being scared of something you didn't see rather than being scared of something you've seen. Being scared of the dark: that's a common one. When you're scared of the dark, you're scared of what you can't see, which is the light. Ok, this is getting complicated. It sounded WAY simpler in my brain.

Back to dreams...

How come nightmares are the one we tend to remember the most? A dream is just a random series of weird scenes crammed together in one place. Nightmares are much more complex and they bring us to the edge of our soul, the side nobody would ever want to visit. Personally, I would never want to visit it too. 

This is why I think that fear overwhelms happiness. Happy moments happen and fade away. Our worst experiences are stored somewhere in our fucked up minds and they come and haunt us whenever they like. They're dirty little bitches. They like showing up behind your eyes while you sleep, behind your ears, whispering bullshit that makes you question your existence.

Has a happy moment ever haunted your brain, your feelings and your thoughts? No. 

Has a scary or sad moment ever haunted your brain, your feelings and your thoughts? Yes.

I don't need to add anything. This just resumes everything. 

People say I'm pessimistic. They are partially right. I just see my reality with my own eyes.

And my reality is quite negative and fucked up.

So, yes. I'm pessimistic (in case you were wondering)

-What do you think about dreams?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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