Part 7

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...him I wonder what I should write to fill up this empty space.

This is a lot of empty space I really should do something to fill this space it's kinda annoying.

Ugh this empty space is lonely I sure wish some author would fill it up with words.that would be pretty nice to have a bunch of other words to be around.

Hmm more empty space damn sure is a shame that it's not really being filled with aw inspiring story's of amazingness.

Fuck it I can't live like this anymore I need words to live please if your reading this please message the author and tell him/her to hurry with whatever their doing and fill this empty space please please!!!

It's been 263 days since the empty came I can't take it anymore I'm going to end it all good bye world.

random shit i thought of to keep you busy while my other book is being worked onWhere stories live. Discover now