In the Morning...
"Well, I'm ready to ask out the cute boy!" Taylor sang while wearing a short, no sleeved, ruffled hot pink dress with her hair curled in a cute, flirty way, her name tag for work glitterized. "I thought we agreed I was asking him out!" Gracie said. Gracie was wearing a purple dress, black flats, makeup, princess styled hair, and nametag decorated with cats. "No, we agreed I was!" Alayna argued. Alayna was wearing a long light blue dress, with sequins, makeup on, the wengie hair style, and her nametag decorated. "No, me!" Taylor whined. "Shut up you three, it's time for work! Let's go!" Squishy said. "Ok, sis." the three said.
At Work...
"Hello g- WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!?" Garrett screeched. "What? Is something wrong with what we're wearing?" Alayna asked. "Um, YEAH!!" Garrett replied. "First of all, you're supposed to wear your work clothes, and you're not really supposed to look like that. You'd know that if you read the work guidelines, so please just put on these work clothes." Garrett says as he hands them work clothes. "What guideline book?" Taylor asked. "Um, the one I gave you yesterday." Garrett replied. "Oh, we were supposed to read that? I thought it was junk paper." Alayna said. "Just put these work clothes on, girl." Garrett said. "Ugg, fine!" the three complained. "But it would attract more customers if we wore these," Taylor back talked as she gestured to her dress. Garrett rolled his eyes. "Didn't you hear me!? NO!"
10 Minutes Later...
"There, we're in our dumb work clothes." Gracie said. "They're not even our correct sizes! We ordered mediums!" Taylor snapped. "Yes, but you left your ordered work clothes at home and decided to wear, well, those." Garrett said in a snide tone. "Well, we were trying to be creative." ALayna responded. "No more excuses. Let's get to work!" Garrett cheered. "Yay." Taylor and Alayna sarcastically said. "Hello how may I help you?" Alayna asked. "Yes, I'd like, um... I want-What do you think I should get?" the customer asked. "I don't know? What do you want to get?" Alayna responded. "I don't know? That's why I asked you." the customer said. "Fine, I'll just leave then!" "Good!" Alayna argued.
At Pendy's
"Get to work!" Jared shouted. "I am working!" Brianna cried. "No crying, don't be a baby Ms. Relaime!" "I haven't had to do this much work at home." Brianna thought. "This job is cruddy, the customers are rude, and my boss is a jerk! I'm gonna quit and work somewhere else, like McFoodles! Yes! I'll work there." "Hey! Jared the Jerk!" Brianna shouted. "Excuse me, don't you mean Jared the first!" Jared argued. "No, I meant what I said, I quit!" Brianna said. "Good! You were a bad cook anyways." Jared complained "Bye Felicia!" Brianna said to Jared. Jared glared at Brianna as she walked out. "Ugg, I hate people who are jerks like that." Jared said.