10 years, 22 days, 2 hours later

127 10 2

I counted myself lucky to have my own room. Of course, this arrangement was less due to fortune and more to my acting skills, as I had pretended to be more bonkers than I actually was so that I could have solitary confinement.

In one of the books I had read, the author had argued that solitary confinement is a form of torture. I didn't agree. I liked being alone with my books and my thoughts.

I used to have a brother that would visit me, but one day the visits stopped coming. A doctor that used to come about once a week and talk to me for a while, before I had thrown a fit and all doctors had given up on me, only ever coming in to give me my pills and once a year for a physical.

A nurse interrupted my thoughts. "Hey, hot stuff." She winked and me and I rolled my eyes. The nurse's name was Meg, and she was constantly flirting with me presumably as a last desperate attempt to make me like women.

So far, she had been unsuccessful.

"Hello, Meg. Little early to drug me, isn't it?" She grinned seductively at me. "Not if you don't want it to be."

I had no idea what she meant by this, so I settled for shaking his head dissuasively.

"What do you want?" Suddenly, Meg was all business

"Someone's here to see you." I perked up.

"Sam?" For a second, I let myself believe that my little brother had come back and that maybe he would check me out of here. We could go live in the city like we used to dream of like we were kids and-

"No. His name is Dr. Novak. He is a very prestigious doctor here to study fags. Get your head on straight. Help you with your 'condition.'" She sneered out the last word. Meg didn't much like me, and was more of the mind that fags should be killed rather than converted.

"Well thank goodness. But Meg," I faked concern in my voice, "Who will help you with your condition?"

"I don't have a condition!" She scoffed.

"Yes. It's called bitch-o-frenia. It's a serious condition that could put you and others in danger." It was a low blow and not my most successful comeback, although she seemed bothered by it, so I counted it as a win.

Meg left in a huff, slamming the door behind her.

The man spoke in a soft low voice. "Dean, my name is-uh...Dr. Novak." I had never heard a doctor stutter before and it somehow made him seem more human.

He sat at the foot of my bed stiffly.

"How are you today, Dean?" He finally asked.

"Well, they upped my drug prescription so that I now can't remember this morning, or the day before that, or my life before Hell, so I can't really answer. What about you, doctor? How are you today?" I asked sarcastically.

Dr. Novak did not catch on to the tone in his voice, and his smile widened. "I'm..." He seemed to be pondering the question, probably deciding if he should open up to me or not."Honestly, I'm nervous as hell. You're my first patient ever. I had everything all planned out-"

He removed a large pile of index cards from his pocket to show me. "But now all my questions sound so stupid."

I nodded. "What were you planning on asking?"

"Promise not to judge me for my failure as a phycologist?"


"Well," He cleared his throat. "First I was going to ask," He made a face like a king might make, regal and snotty, "'When do you think your condition began?' Then, my plan was to basically get you to open up and to become your best friend by the end of a session."

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