26 hours later

128 11 3

Castiel didn't visit during the block on my schedule marked "therapy" the next day. I was angry with myself that I even cared. Ever since Sam...I had just stopped caring.

Meg did visit however with a false seductive smile that masked her disdain for me, the usual assortment of colorful pills that I had come to love, and a message from Castiel explaining that his absence was due to the fact that he had a meeting with the board of directors.

"What's the meeting about?" I just managed to get out, before the pills took affect. Not that Meg would tell me, anyways.

I'm never really sure if I'm asleep while I take the pills or if I'm just too far gone to notice anything. Unfortunately, the pills always wore off before visiting hours.

Most days, visiting hours is just a louder more distracting portion of my day, but about once a month, my father will come by.

I have no idea what my father does for a living, but I can only assume it's illegal, as he was absent most of my childhood, brought home heaps of money (literal heaps--all of his paychecks were in paper money) and then spent it all on something mysterious after giving Sam and me enough money to survive until he returned next.

I don't hate that guy, but ever since he found out I was a fag, he's been kind of a bitch. Long story short, last year when I was...I can't remember how old, he turned kind of pshyco on me. Social services came, but they accepted John's explanation and reasoning because I was gay. However, they told him that being a homosexual was a mental disease, so I should go to the asylum. I constantly wish that they'd just let John kill me.

And I have no doubt that he would have killed me.

The day after Castiel's first visit, John came.

He walked in, wearing his hair greased back and his leather jacket collar up just as always. He positioned himself behind the glass wall that had to separate 'my kind' and 'normal people.' This was for 'his protection,' although I couldn't be more grateful for the protective barrier, as I'm sure no one in this hospital would save me if John started wailing on me.

"Dean." He said shortly.

"Sir." I replied. There was an awkward silence as he stared me down.

"Are you still a faggot?" Way to be blunt.


"You haven't gotten any better?"

"No." For some reason, my sarcasm auto-pilot always deserts me when I'm confronted with John.

"Hm." We sat in silence, and I expected it to last for the entire remainder of the allotted hour, as it usually does, but just then, Castiel (bless his soul) ran in, his cheeks slightly flushed.

"Hello! You must be John." He opened the door to the glass room, and John stepped out hesitantly to shake Castiel's hand. "Sorry, I was in a meeting, but I really did want to catch you before you left."

"And you are...?" I felt almost embarrassed that my 'dad' was so rude.

"Castiel Novak. Dr. Novak. I am your son's uh...phycologist." John chuckled darkly, and Castiel looked worried that he had offended him.

"Never thought any son of mine would be seeing a shrink." Castiel frowned and opened his mouth, probably to tell John off and explain that 'shrink' was not the proper term, but he decided against it.

"Well, Dean here is my favorite patient." Cas smiled reassuringly at me.

"Really? You don't find it unnerving that he probably wants to jump your bones right now?" Castiel flushed to the color of a tomato.

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