My Dark Knight

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Title: My Dark Knight

Author: SheriffSquinty

Category: Werewolf, Romance

Summary: Skylar lives in a world where her pack is slowly and deliberately being obliterated by the merciless Black Mountains Pack, led by their vicious and cruel Alpha, Gabriel. So what happens when she learns that the tyrant Gabriel is her soul mate?

Soon, Skylar will discover that there is much more to Gabriel than meets the eye, and there are dark forces surrounding them that will put both of their packs in great danger.

Status: Complete

There are no words for how insanely fantasctic this book is! It was my first werewolf related book that I had read on Wattpad and definitely an ultimate favorite. Even if werewolf isn't your thing, I'd still recommend this book. It's so much more than your normal werewolf type story. The whole thing is extremely well written and thought out with amazing characters. Again, it's a book I wouldn't mind reading for a second time.

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