Chapter 3

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Hey babes? I really don't know what to call you, haha lol. Anyways this one is short sorry...I know hate short Chapters too, I hate waiting for updates too..ugh worst thing ever. But life is really just waiting... waiting for a true love. Waiting for kids. Waiting to be older. Waiting to be happy for someone of you. I'm always happy, but I know some of you aren't. You all are AmaZayn just remember. If you want to talk just Tweet me @caitlinemmac ( Yes it is a fan account) You all are special to me. okay so changing subjects i decides to start ever Chapter with a quote.. I hope that's okay with you? I would also like you to COMMENT! what you think about it and if you like it okay so here is Chapter 3!


"Do not go where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

" Uh erm are you okay?" a random guy asked behind me.

I quickly bolted up in fear. He scared the shit out of me.

" You scared the shit out of me!" I said panting, trying to catch my heart back to the soothing rate.

" Oh, uh...sorry?" He says more as a question.

I sigh. " Uh...why are you talking to me random..." and hot guy I said in my head. "guy?" I say with a nervous laugh.

"Uh, erm your kinda...uh in my driveway." He says shyly

I look around me realizing that I have indeed runned far. I'm in London which is 15 miles away from my 'House', if i could even call it that.

I'm in what seems to be a rich area... a really rich area! The houses aren't just big..they are huge...and I was standing on one of them? He probably thinks i'm a random hobo poor looking teenage girl. Also it wasn't just any guys house... it was a HOT guys house! wait...but he has to be about 20 and...uhm this must be his parents house.

" Oh erm,..uh, I'm sorry." I said, knowing my cheeks are red, but hoping the rain that just started coming down rapidly and the darkness outside has not made it noticeable.

" Are you uh okay?' He said, curious and worried? He is worried...worried about me. Well he is something new.

I didn't know what to say so I kinda just said something between.

"I don't know, are you okay?"

Shit why did I say that, that was embarrassing. What is wrong with me? I was mentally hitting my hand to my head continuously. I'm. So. Stupid.

"Erm,uh i don't know." He said shyly. Chuckling.

Probably laughing at me in his head, but doesn't want to be rude. What a gentleman. Awwe. What the actual fuck...!? Did I just awe?

Stand there awkwardly.

"Do...y-you, erm want t-to co-come...uh inside?" He said nervous, rubbing his hand to the back of his neck. Was he nervous? Nervous? About me? Nah. He couldn't be. I wear cloths with stains and holes. Plus I'm not the prettiest, this man could do way much better than me. Before my head could think my mouth decided to be a bitch.


He sighed with..relief.

Okay this is just fucking weird! TO damn weird.

He walks up the wet driveway. I think he wants me to follow him. So I pick up my feet -stepping in a puddle cussing at myself- and follow him up his driveway and into his house.

I walk in amazement. It's so clean. It's nice, really nice, way better than my House. The staircase is covered in a red maybe smooth carpet. It leads to ways, on the left or right. It reaches high I was not able to see the hallway from the bottom. I tour myself around forgetting my manners.

I walk into the kitchen. There are pots, skillets, and pans hanging from the ceiling. There has to be at least 25 cabinets. And the fridge! Shit that thing is cool. The freezer was on the bottom, and then oh my god! The refrigerator part is on the top! Am I fangirling...over a refrigerator?

I quickly step away from it and I realize what I am doing. The hot guy is standing at the door frame chuckling to himself.

"Sorry." I say knowing my cheeks are as bright as that hot guys car. I really need to stop calling him hot guy.

"Oh, uh it's okay." He said rubbing the back of his neck,

"Uh, what's your name?" I ask shyly. Looking at the shiny floor, probably making it dirty with the wet mud under my shoes.

" Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, it's erm Zayn, Zayn Malik." the hot guy -sorry had to say that one more time-, says. Looking at me confused and expecting a reaction?

"Oh,uh my names...Rose...Rose Parker." I say standing in the kitchen awkwardly.


It will get better I promise. I hope you had a good weekend, and prom is coming up for some of you :D I hope you have fun! Okay there you have it! Aye you know the girls name know! Tell me if I'm going to fast. If I am, I will go slower if you want. I hope you like it :D COMMENT PLEASE! I LOVE OPINIONS! LOVE YOU GUYS!

Caitlin xxx

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