That's What Friends Do, Right?

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    "I'm not supposed to tell anybody this because my dad would kill me

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    "I'm not supposed to tell anybody this because my dad would kill me. B-but I have to tell someone or I don't think I can do this," The two walk out of their class after working on a project they had together for Chemistry. The whole time, Madeline didn't have time to tell Peter what she wanted to say. They both worked on the project together but the girl was definitely distracted and troubled.

It worried Peter to think that she was stressed out over something. He always thought of Madeline as strong and hopeful. But, whatever is eating her away and making her like this must be very serious.
He wants to be there for her always, no matter what problems she has, he'll be there for her just like how she was yesterday night.

"Maddie, what's going on? Are you–"
"–No Peter, I'm not okay. I-I-I'm scared right now and I've been lying to everybody about my brother and I cant do any of this anymore—"

She stops her sentence short to see some people walking close to them. She grabs Peter's hand and pulls him over to the side away from a group of people.

She releases a shaky breath and continues,
"He–he's sick Pete, he's always been sick and something is destroying him from the inside,"

His heart races, this is something that he didn't expect. He didn't know Harry very well but he knew he left.

Peter squeezes her small hand that intertwines with his for comfort as she carries on,
"There..I said it. Harry's never been to the private school Ive told everyone, he's been treated at my Dad's work for 6 months and--"
"--W-wait slow down, for 6 months? He had you lie for 6 months? I mean, have you told anybody else?"

"No," Madeline teary eyes meet his gaze and Peter's stomach drops then bounces back up again. He hates to see such a strong girl cry, "I haven't told anybody and it's been tearing me apart. I-I needed to tell you because I didn't want to lie to you, Peter."
"Okay," he nods surely with a concerned face, "okay, well. What can I do for you? Just name it a-and I'll do my best to help."

"Pete, I don't think you can help me on this, but..uh–some of the scientists say they have a temporary cure that'll stabilize him. Its only for a short time, though, I want to use that time to talk to him after school today. "

"Well, hey, that's great right?" Peter brings up a smile which makes it hard for Madeline to stay sad. Her time with him right now is making her feel kind of okay again though.

"Yeah, I mean–Its amazing, Im surprised they found one but its just that this whole morning I've been worried about how everything is going to plan out. He's...changed since the last time I saw him. His behavior is unpredictable, and his temper is all over the place. I don't think I can do it."

{1} Webbed Heart *Peter Parker* ✔️Where stories live. Discover now