Chapter 10 - Kiss

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Once Dean had asserted himself to his father, we continued upstairs and headed straight to bed, knowing we wouldn't get as much sleep as we desired. It was already nearly dawn, and Dean usually had to be up fairly early to start his day of Alpha duties.

It didn't take either of us long to fall asleep. The events of the night had worn both of us out, and made the large, plush bed more welcoming than ever.

The next morning when I awoke, I was surprised to see that not only was Dean still fast asleep in bed with me, but the nearby clock read ten-o-clock in the morning. Dean was usually off to his office by seven. I didn't take him for the type to catch up on missed sleep, but I had curtained guessed wrong.

Deciding to get our day off to a nice start, I slowly slid out of bed, careful not to disturb Dean, and tip-toed to the kitchen. Perhaps he would like a small breakfast to eat before going to the office or even to take with him. I smiled to myself at the thought of making my mate happy for once, although I knew he wasn't one to show much emotion.

In the kitchen, I dug out the appropriate pans and fried up a few eggs while a bagel was in the toaster. A simple breakfast sandwich should suffice, especially if he decided to take it to the office with him rather than eating here.

I sprinkled some cheese over the top of the eggs and allowed it to melt while I popped the bagel out of the toaster and lightly spread cream cheese on one half and a touch of honey mustard on the other. Once I was satisfied with the meltiness of the cheese, I put the sandwich together and placed it on a paper plate before setting it on the end of the counter.

Like clockwork, I heard Dean slide out of bed and walk around the room. Through our mind-link, I could feel he was slightly panicked, likely wondering where I was. This was the first time I had woke before him.

Feeling the urge to calm my mate, I walked back to the bedroom and watched him from the doorway as he hurried to pull a dress shirt over his head. Once his head popped through the head-hole, he saw me standing at the other end of the room, watching him, and I noticed he visibly relaxed.

"Where did you go?" he immediately questioned, staring me down with a serious expression.

"I made you breakfast," I replied simply and softly, feeling a bit anxious due to the look on Dean's face mixed with the tone of his voice.

Dean paused for a moment, almost as if he was shocked by my words, "Oh. Thank you."

I nodded as Dean walked towards the bedroom door and then out to the kitchen, quickly turning to follow behind him. Once he reached the kitchen counter he grabbed the plate and took a bite of the sandwich, looking as if he was seriously thinking things over while chewing.

"It's very good, but I'll need to take it with me to the office. Thank you again, Audrey," he told me with a faint smile.

I nodded again and smiled back, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of pleasing my mate and having a somewhat normal morning with him for once. If I could keep my head straight, maybe things would keep moving in the right direction. I just needed to try and trust him, like Hana told me.

Dean set the plate back down and quickly moved towards me, reaching out to cup my face with his hands, "You're even more beautiful when you smile. I'd like to see it more often."

He pressed a warm kiss to my cheek, right near the corner of my lips, and hesitated for a moment before pulling away. His hesitation made me wonder what was going through his mind, but I couldn't focus on that thought for long as an intense blush formed on my cheeks.

Dean grabbed the plate with his breakfast again and headed towards the front door of our quarters so he could tend to his Alpha duties that had already been delayed by several hours.

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