Chapter 35 - Answered Prayers

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I awoke in a cold, dark room - the air felt damp and reeked of dust and mold. I was disoriented for several seconds before I finally realized that my son was no longer in my arms, and then the panic set in.

Where was my Owen? Where was I?

My first thought was that Archibald had brought me down to the dungeons, but would he really be stupid enough to hide me within the pack? He was many things, but he wasn't stupid. Dean would be able to track my scent much easier within the pack, and someone might hear me. The fact that my mouth wasn't even duct-taped shut led me to believe that I indeed, was no longer in Dark Root territory. However, the chains around my wrists and ankles along with the walls that surrounded me, were preventing me from even attempting an escape.

Not having even an idea of where I was or where my son could possibly be stirred deeper anxiety within me. My heart began to race as my panic rose – the only thing I could try at this point was mind-linking Dean.

But then again, he hadn't mind-linked me, and surely he'd noticed something was wrong by now...

"Dean! It's Archibald – he's taken me and Owen!" I shrieked frantically, urging my mind-link to go through.


No response, no feeling that I'd even been heard.

Had he drugged me? After all, there had to be some explanation for me blacking out between here and Dark Root. That may also explain why I was unable to mind-link.

So, with no other feasible options, I screamed.

I screamed as loud as I possibly could until my throat burned and my lungs pleaded for air. It was a shrill sound, full of desperation and fear, but I continued to scream, mentally pleading for someone, somewhere to hear me.

In the midst of my display of despair, a nearby noise caught my attention. I quickly became quiet and tuned in to the sound, trying to figure out where it came from and what it was. Suddenly, a stream of light came through the room, followed by a low, familiar chuckle.

"Stupid girl," he spat. "Did you really think anyone could hear you? Anyone but me and your pathetic son upstairs? He hasn't stopped crying this entire time – further proof that his separation from you is vital."

No. No. Absolutely not. I would not allow this vile man to have my son! Tear began to form in my eyes, but I fought hard to hold them back. I had to be strong for Owen. I had to get us both out of here.

"Why are you doing this?" I demanded, my voice hoarse from all the screaming.

"You really aren't very bright, are you girl? I've already told you – you're too weak to raise an Alpha, but my foolish son will never leave you on his own. You see, you've made him soft. You've brought weakness upon him. As his father, I have to correct that, and I have to prevent the same thing from happening to my grandson," Archibald lectured.

I was seething at this point. I could feel the anger boiling in my stomach, and although it was a foreign feeling, it insisted to be released.

"You are the weak one!" I yelled, heat rushing to my face. "No strong Alpha male kidnaps a Luna and threatens her while holding her son hostage, all out of fear that one day he will be a good, kind Alpha!"

Archibald chuckled darkly, shaking his head, "Dark Root wasn't built on kindness, you naïve little girl! That's exactly why I have to take you out of this situation entirely – you'll ruin everything our pack was built on and stands for, and even worse, you'll ruin my son and grandson!"

"Kindness is not weakness!" I quickly yelled back, my anger still fueling my outbursts and managing to keep the fear at bay. "I refuse to let me son grow up thinking otherwise!"

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