Jack looked at me and asked"will you be my girlfriend again"I nod he jumped up and kissed me and he said"were gonna have a party tonight"I said"yea".
-At The Party
I got ready for the party I wore
And everybody else was dressed nice and when Jack seen me his mouth was open I said"take a picture it will last longer"he took out his phone and took a picture I chuckled and I said"you look so cute"he smiled and said"I know".People started coming in and soon enough it got crowded and I lost Jack and I checked the room and there he was with another girl and I screamed"YOU CANT JUST STOP BREAKING MY HEART"he looked at me and started to kiss the girl and acting im not here.I walked to the closet git my stuff and I slept in a separate room and I couldn't stop seeing Jack kissing the girl and he knew I seen it.I woke the next morning I brushed my teeth an took a shower and I wore a black shirt saying im the boss legit and jean booty shorts with a flannel around my waist and I wore black Converse and I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs I seen everyone downstairs even Jack and the girl I gave all the boys kisses good byes except Jack and they asked"where are you gonna live"I said"I don't know".I walked out the house and I called peyton she didn't answer I walked to her house and I knocked she opened the door and hugged me she said"what are you doing here"I asked"can I live here cause heart break kid broke my heart again"she said"yea of course come in"I walked in and I sat down and went on instagram and seen pictures of Jack and his new girlfriend everywhere and every picture I seen in my feed is of them I brushed it off and I went to the bathroom and took a picture for instagram@Ember_moon413:your lost pretty boy @jackdgrazer
And he commented@jackdgrazer:sorry baby I love you and miss you please come back
I ignored it and unpacked my stuff and when I was done I layed down and took a nap.