Chapter Nine

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Ollie woke to the sound of rain and absolute chaos. Elora was already up, swiping at the thick mist pouring in through a broken window with a pillow, all the while being pelleted with heavy rain and wind strong enough to knock her over. They were alone; Calladin and Alaudidae were nowhere to be seen. Clementine stood by the door, whipping her little black tail side to side.

"Ollie!" Elora yelped, shaking a tendril of smoke off her ankle, "Help me! Don't let it get in!"

He grabbed his pillow and joined her, trying to avoid the countless shards of glass littering the floor. The mist looked unaffected by the wind and rain and steadily trickled in, where it curled around their feet and crept up their legs if they didn't stay moving at all times. The air was thick and hard to breathe in. Outside, the world had disappeared under a thick, white fog, though the sounds of screaming animals were as clear as day.

"Grab the blanket!" Ollie yelled over the wind. Elora nodded quickly and ripped the sheet off the closest bed. They held the corners to the edges of the window, kicking at any mist that got in. If it was even possible, the mist smelt even worse than Ollie remembered, tinged with the tang of rotten meat that seemed to sit in the back of Ollie's throat and made him want to gag. "Where's Calladin and Alaudidae?" Ollie smacked his foot a little too harshly on the wall and hissed in pain.

Elora shook her head wildly. "They've been gone for hours!"

An imprint of a humanoid face pressed against the sheet, followed by two hands. Elora screamed and punched at it. The sheet rippled with the force and the face disappeared with a startled grunt. "What are these?" Elora said.

"I have no idea!"

The blanket went flying from their hands as a familiar winged figure came tearing through the window, bringing a cloud of suffocating mist along with it. The door swung open a moment later, and Calladin, soaked head to toe in water, came running in with his sleeve clasped over his mouth. As Alaudidae took Elora by the waist and disappeared out the window with her, Calladin grabbed Ollie by the hand and pulled him out the door, closing it just as two black eyes popped over the edge of the window.

"They're here!" Calladin managed through pants. He tried door after door; every one was locked. Calladin swore beneath his breath. As the door they'd come from began to rattle and groan in its frame, Calladin pulled Ollie down the staircase and into the lobby, where they were once again alone. Clementine followed at their heels, barking wildly.

"Make sure all the windows are closed!" Calladin said, crossing to the desk and opening a drawer. "And tell me if you see anyone!"

Ollie nodded shakily and pulled open the curtains up of the nearest window. He nearly fainted. There were dozens of pairs of shiny black eyes speckled against a sheet of overpowering white. He couldn't see anything or anyone. With trembling hands he checked the lock on the window, all the while not tearing his eyes from the group of black ones all staring down at him. A figure of a hand pressed itself against the window and tapped lightly. The dull sound resonated in his ears like a massive bell.

"Ollie, hurry!" Calladin's voice jerked him back to reality. The world seemed to be spinning. Ollie checked every other window, where he found the same thing.

The door upstairs blew off its hinges with a thunderous bang. Calladin swore loudly. "Give me a candle!" He ordered, producing a box of matches from the drawer along with a set of keys. Ollie grabbed a candle off the brass holder on the wall and threw it over the desk. As mist began to trickle down the stairs and a heavy humidity settled in the air around them, Calladin lit the candle with shaking hands and thrust the flame into the dark stairway. The mist retreated with a low hiss. "Grab some more!" He cried.

Ollie MacQuoid and the Journey To RubiusWhere stories live. Discover now