The plot

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Chapter 2

I look down at my bloody hands thinking how the hell did the world come to this? I just killed a walker. Stabed it right in the head.

Since when was it so easy to just kill someone? At the beginning of it all it was hard, hard to kill what was once a person a living, breathing person.

I snap back to reality. Now im running, not fast enough that anyone can hear but fast, fast enough to get to terminus and back befor sun rise. I need to see what were up against. What we need to be ready for.

I see it. The top of it. Terminus. Its big, bigger than I remember.  "I bet they've got a buch of weapons." I pull my knife right next to his neck not relizing it was Daryl. "Jesus Daryl!" I say "Have you been following me?" I ask "I hered a noise so I tracked it. Turns out it was you. What are you doing? " Daryl asks. Seeing what were up against. What we need to be ready for I say. "Well lets see." He says.

We walk up to a fence and look through the squared holes noticing 5 guards with shot guns in there hands, then Daryl notices some on the  roof "Were never gonna win this fight." I say. Daryl doesn't speak, but I can tell by his facial expression he thinks the same. So we head back to camp.

We suddenly stop. "Look." Daryl says. its a walker, more then one, it looks like there heading back to camp. I grab my knife and my gun and Daryl takes his cross boy in aiming position, Daryl's got the first 2 I've got the next we sprint back to camp hoping everyones ok.

They are, there fine, "thank god." I say under my breath. Everyones still asleep I kiss Judith and Carl on the head then I try and go to sleep. Daryl says he's got first watch.

I woke up by two hands shaking me once he can see my eyes are open he says 4 words: We. Need.A. Plan. then walks away. It was Daryl no doubt, he was right we did need a plan to take them down but how the odds that we'd actually win was 1 in a million but we had to try.

After everyone's awake I make an announcement: We need a plan. I say . We need to do something anything to take down those insane cannibals.And im not talking about the walkers.

I see my son Carl sitting next to Beth whos holding Judith,  everyones sitting down ready for what I have to say, I start: I knoe its hard, living the way that we do, I know its tough,  but we have to, we need to fight not just for ourselves but for everyone,  this world might never change but there's always that small chance that it will, and we need to fight for that chance, no matter what.

I start telling everyone what they need to do: Daryl! You'll come with me! Glen you'll follow Daryl! Maggie! You'll follow Glen! Beth you'll stay here with Judith and Carl! "No!" Carl says I start look Carl you're only 14 you cant fight. Not yet you need to stay with you're sister,  protect her not just from the walkers, from everything "Thats why I need to fight for her, for you." he says I don't know Carl you're still a child "yeah but im old enough to fight for this for my family." I ignor answering and continue do we all know what to do? No one answers all I see is nodes. Ok I need to say one thing and im only gonna say it once: Don't be weak be strong and remember the faster we see and kill the faster this, this war is over.

"Shhh!" Maggie says everyones silenced bye a noise comming from the woods...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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