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I'm not really sure where to start with this, so I'll just be blunt.  I've wanted to do something like this for a long time, but I just felt like it would be weird.  However my best friend just started doing this herself l, so I decided that I might as well now.

Before I tell you about my day I'll tell you a bit about myself.  I'm just some random 17 year old guy who is completely lost in life.  I have both Tourette's syndrome and a few different forms of OCD including checking OCD (along with reassurance), intrusive thoughts OCD, mild contamination OCD, and years ago I dealt with religious intrusive thoughts OCD.

Anyways, that's enough about the depressing things about me.  I am also a musician who has had some pretty high feats.  My band and I have opened up a Miami Heat game, and will open up another on December 1st.  So far I play the piano, drums, and I do a little bit of singing too.

I'm also quite the nerd.  Besides practicing piano for at least 2 hours a day I am an avid Nintendo and PC gamer, and I'm currently addicted to Hearthstone.  I play it on my phone pretty much whenever I'm in a long car ride.  I'm also the currently longest standing member in my schools Asian Culture Club and I will most likely become my schools Chess Clubs historian or liaison, while also being the second strongest player there (although that honestly isn't saying much considering nobody in my club but me and this prodigy 11 year old knows anything about any openings.)

Anyways I'm sorry if I bored you with my nonsensical rambling, or if I came across as overly confident, or pretentious.  If you read on I'd like to think that I'm a nice and humble person, although there are probably times where I go too far.

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