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Raegan and I have been dating for two years. We've had so many arguments, but tonight's has been the worst.

"Y/N GET IN HERE!" he yells.

"NO!" I yell back.

He gets out of his bedroom and grabs my arms. He pushes me up against the wall.

"I told you to go to my room." he says sternly.

"And what are you going to do about it?" I ask, knowing it'll piss him off.

"y/n, I am so sick and tired of your fucking bullshit." he yells.

I roll my eyes.

I move away from the wall, but he pushes me right back to it.

He kisses me aggressively, his tongue pressing against mine. More anger, than lust.

He removes my shirt and leads me to his room.

I lay him down, so I'm on top of him and I begin leaving a trail of kisses down his chest.

As I get up, he flips us over. He straddles me and begins to remove his clothes.

He leans down and kisses me once again, this time, the anger is gone.

I moan.

"yes, baby girl." he moans.

He starts sucking at my neck, clearly leaving hickeys.

He removes all my clothes and thrust into me slowly.

"fuck!" I yell as I did my nails into his back.

He picks up his thrusts and I grip the sheets tightly.

"oo- rae-raegan!" I moan.

He smirks as his thrusts become sloppy and we're both out of breathe.

We both cum. And he flops beside me and kisses me softly.

Raegan SmutWhere stories live. Discover now